
Did Florida Accidentally Ban Sex?

Jim Newell · 05/11/11 04:52PM

The state of Florida, somewhat famously, finally got around to banning bestiality last week. But, as the blog Southern Fried Science points out, there might be something wrong with the language used in the bill—specifically that it bans sex with "an animal." Did you know that humans are "animals," too?

Bestiality: Now Illegal In Florida

Adrian Chen · 05/06/11 09:46AM

Florida's state legislature passed a bill this week outlawing bestiality. The bill was introduced in 2008 after a notorious case involving a pet goat. Today in Florida every person with a bestiality fetish is going: Wait, it was legal!?

How to Have Sex With a Dinosaur

Max Read · 04/13/11 08:02PM

The key question with dinosaurs, as with so many things, is "How can I have sex with them?" With the help of Slate's Explainer column, we've constructed a step-by-step guide.

Florida Fails to Ban Bestiality

Ravi Somaiya · 05/07/10 06:09PM

You can still put on some Barry White, lower the lights and make love to your favorite goat in Florida — their bickering legislature has failed to pass a measure outlawing bestiality.

Did Kim Kardashian Torture a Cat?

Maureen O'Connor · 04/20/10 10:50AM

A lady famous for having a ginormous ass turned herself into a walking pussy joke yesterday when she tweeted a sexy picture of herself manhandling a cat. Now she stands accused of animal abuse.

Animal Love Ads Not Confined To The Media Industry

Hamilton Nolan · 02/26/08 12:14PM

You probably suspected that advertising creatives included some bestiality fans. This ad campaign for the German magazine Deutsch [via Copyranter] could reinforce your suspicions. And the theme, it turns out, is not confined to the media space; sadly, it permeates advertising for consumer products, and even public service campaigns. Below, three examples of the indelicate use of animal love by the ad industry—the final one, the other half of Deutsch's two-page spread, is somewhat NSFW.