
Neil deGrasse Tyson Explains the Meaning of Life to a 6 ¾-Year-Old

Jay Hathaway · 01/16/15 04:45PM

A precocious 6 (and three quarters!)-year-old named Jack got a chance to ask astronomical badass and Cosmos host Neil deGrasse Tyson a question at Boston's Wilbur Theatre last night, and he cut right to the chase. Yo, Neil, he asked, "What's the meaning of life?"

Which Direction Should I Wipe?

Remy Stern · 05/25/11 05:47PM

You probably don't remember who taught you how to wipe-your parents, most likely—or why you wipe the way you do. But is it the right way? Is it the best way? Let's find out. [Lifehacker]

OMG You Guys, What Are Jon and Kate Gonna Say On Monday??

Richard Lawson · 06/18/09 03:12PM

We'd like to avoid this story as much as possible, because mostly it's just gross, but this is TOO BIG to pass up! Jon & Kate from hit reality show Jon & Kate Plus 8 are making a major announcement.

Gay Groups Aren't So Happy with Bruno

Richard Lawson · 06/11/09 01:07PM

Question answered: Bruno is bad for the gays! Some gay groups are beginning a campaign against Sacha Baron Cohen's upcoming realityish comedy, about an Austrian fashion reporter who's a bit light in the loafers. GLAAD seems particularly unhappy.

Was Norman Mailer A Lady-Hating Wife-Stabber Or Just Misunderstood?

Joshua Stein · 11/19/07 10:50AM

Norman Mailer died last week, and in (and at) his wake, he left a city of women. Many he had had sex with. Many had sprung from his loins. Did he look down on their entire gender, though? His sixth and final wife Norris Church Mailer inexplicably gave an "exclusive" interview to the Post in which she claims, "Most people who said he was a male chauvinist didn't know him and didn't read his work. That was a fallacy. He was a man who loved women, and respected them." She went on in the same vein, conflating loving sex with women for love for the female sex. (Psst! Not the same thing!) "He had five daughters, three daughters-in-law and six granddaughters who all adored him." Yes, but he also had five ex-wives, some of whom do not adore him.

abalk · 09/27/07 02:47PM

From the mailbag: "So, who was at Soho House last night that was such a big deal? Just past ten o'clock, security detail in high-stress mode were aggressively blocking anyone from passing in front of Soho House, until about 5 people came out and got into a black hired car and a black SUV with lights on top (white lights, and they weren't turned on). No one was recognizably famous, so we guess it was someone in town for the U.N., but the fellow who got into the back of the SUV rolled down his window and visibly triggered a machine gun. He looked KGB." UPDATE: We're hearing it was Tony Blair! God, we forgot about him. Little creep.

Joshua Stein · 09/24/07 03:35PM

If New York club promoter and nightlife-whatever Danny A is, as Page Six says, heading out to Las Vegas, what will become of his hot second-story but sub rosa nightclub Upstairs? More importantly, what will happen to the marginally famous who queue up to party above Cafe Bari? Perhaps they'll head over to the Bench. Or maybe they'll just turn into dust and be swept away.