
Watch Lady Gaga Play Marilyn Monroe to Bill Clinton's JFK

Max Read · 10/16/11 10:02AM

"I'm having my first real Marilyn moment," Lady Gaga told the crowd at the "Decade of Difference" concert (celebrating the tenth anniversary of the Clinton Foundation) last night after wishing Bill Clinton a happy birthday and before launching into a rendition of "Bad Romance" cleverly retitled "Bill Romance." (Technically, the former president's birthday is in August.) That seemed to be where the "Marilyn moment" ended, as far as we know, though President Clinton seemed to enjoy it nonetheless: "I got nervous when Gaga said she was planning to have a Marilyn moment and I thought 'I will have a heart attack for my 65th birthday.'" [Yahoo]

The Best Gay President Rumors of All Time

Seth Abramovitch · 09/15/11 09:25PM

11 Points has a list of gay-rumor-plagued presidents, in increasing order of likelihood. They make a compelling case for Clinton: "You find yourself involved in enough threesome, foursomes, ninesomes and dodecasomes and eventually you're going to cross swords with someone."

Bill Clinton Can Still Bring It

Max Read · 09/10/11 04:22PM

Bill Clinton, our most rascally of presidents, may have been out of office for ten years. But the guy can still bring the gravitas when he wants to—as he did today at the unfinished memorial to the victims of United 93, with a speech that's perfect in almost every way.

Monica Lewinsky Wants to Go Into PR

Maureen O'Connor · 09/07/11 02:43PM

Here's a fun exercise in "Hey, whatever happened to…?" After seventeen years of nonstop blowjob jokes, Monica is still unemployed and alone, living in her parents' houses and relying on her family's money, according to the National Enquirer. (So take it with a cigar tube of salt.) Since her handbag line never took off, she is reportedly considering a wildly incongruous career in PR. The Daily Mail reports,

Prince Harry Is Coming to the U.S. in His Helicopter

Max Read · 09/04/11 12:14PM

Harry is coming to the U.S.! Mark Ronson and Cheyenne Jackson both get married! And Kim Kardashian faces a terrible truth! Sunday gossip is wearing white for the last time this year.

Bill Clinton Mocks 'Good Lookin' Rascal' Rick Perry

Jim Newell · 08/15/11 02:46PM

Bill Clinton joked today that he was "tickled" to see Rick Perry, a "good lookin' rascal," enter the presidential contest over the weekend. He sees Perry's entrance, along with his pledge to keep the government as far away as possible from individual lives as president, as only the latest development in the 30-year campaign to discredit the federal government's ability to do good.

Clintons 'Deeply Unhappy' With Weiner

Max Read · 06/07/11 09:44PM

Much has been made of the fact that bulge-Tweeting congressman Anthony Weiner (8==D - N.Y.) is married to Huma Abedin, a close aide of Secretary of State Hillary Clinton — and that President Clinton officiated at their wedding. But having been through a not entirely dissimilar situation does not seem to have made the Clintons more sympathetic to Weiner's problem:

Bill Clinton Cheers Up Glum Paul Ryan

Jim Newell · 05/25/11 04:07PM

Were there any compassionate Democrats out there to cheer up America's Accountant, Rep. Paul Ryan, after his plan to eliminate Medicare and replace it with health insurance "premium support" for old dying people won Democrats a conservative-district seat in last night's Gawker Election? Oh, just Bill Clinton.

Glee: Rumours Has It

Brian Moylan · 05/04/11 12:40PM

Last night the confusing plot lines on Glee came to a head when all the singing youngsters dusted off their cool aunt Karen's copy of a Fleetwood Mac album, stayed up all night doing blow, and screamed at each other. Well, not quite, but it was just as fun to watch.

Bill Clinton Remembers the Good Ol' Days

Remy Stern · 04/13/11 06:37PM

"I remember everything about it. I saw a hooker approach a man in a gray flannel suit .. I still have vivid memories of it. Romantic, fascinating." — Bill Clinton describing a visit to pre-Disneyfied Times Square in 1964. [NYT]

The Two Emails Bill Clinton Sent During His Presidency

Max Read · 02/17/11 02:52AM

Former president Bill Clinton only sent two emails during his presidency, he told a crowd in New York. Two! In commemoration of his true confession, we've collected the only eight photos we could find of Bill Clinton Using, Looking at, and/or Pointing at Computers. They are... marvelous!

Legendary Democratic 'Centrist' Group Folds

Jim Newell · 02/08/11 12:12PM

The Democratic Leadership Council has been a bogeyman to liberals for decades, symbolizing the party's corporate sellout with its philosophy of spreading public welfare through market-based solutions. It was the organization that then-Arkansas Gov. Bill Clinton chaired in the '80s; when he became president, he adhered to its policy goals: welfare reform, balanced budgets, free trade. The DLC would go on to support the invasion of Iraq in 2003, for some reason.

Jim Carrey Returns to His Model-Dating Roots

Adrian Chen · 01/22/11 10:42AM

Jim Carrey gets a new, model sweetheart. Bill Clinton hangs with Cameron Diaz. What's Oprah's big secret? Justin Bieber's hair costs slightly less than rumored. Saturday Gossip Roundup is hanging out with a big bowl of waffles.

The Reunification of Swyllenhaal

Maureen O'Connor · 01/21/11 10:39AM

Jake and Taylor rendezvous in Nashville—but was it ex sex or postmortem wallowing? Macaulay Culkin parties with a porn star. Jesse James and Kat Von D are engaged. Bill Clinton is Cameron and A-Rod's third wheel. TGIFriday gossip.