
Bill Clinton Calls the Anti-Gay Marriage Act He Signed Into Law Unconstitutional

Taylor Berman · 03/07/13 09:27PM

In an op-ed published Thursday evening in the Washington Post, former president Bill Clinton announced his opposition to the Defense of Marriage Act, which he signed into law in 1996. Clinton defended his initial support of the bill, saying that, when it was passed, there were no states that recognized same-sex marriage. At the time, Clinton said the bill seemed like the best option to prevent a constitutional amendment banning gay marriage.

Your Inauguration 2013 Yearbook

Robert Kessler · 01/21/13 05:50PM

Today Washington, D.C. was all atwitter with the graduation of President Obama from first-term president to second-term president. Here is your Inauguration 2013 yearbook.

Bill Clinton Says The War on Drugs "Hasn't Worked"

MTanzer · 12/08/12 11:02AM

Bill Clinton, the man who famously "did not inhale," is definitely getting ready for the inevitable legalization of marijuana. We're pretty sure that he and Hil' have a gorgeous vaporizer all picked out and ready to go.

Bill Clinton Only Sent Two Emails as President

Robert Kessler · 11/26/12 06:00PM

Are you still waiting on your personalized email from President Bill Clinton thanking you for your donation to his campaign? Unless you're a maverick of space exploration or prevented a major war from escalating, that email isn't coming.

Robert Kessler · 11/14/12 05:34PM

Bono whipped out a Bill Clinton impersonation at a speech in DC. He "Still Hasn't Found [The Accent] He's Looking For."

Bill Clinton Doesn't Really Portend Great Things For Obama

John Cook · 09/06/12 10:35AM

CHARLOTTE, N.C.— Bill Clinton's interminable speech last night here at the Time Warner Cable Arena certainly had the room going (though there was a noticeable lag in energy from minutes 457 through 588). It was probably a little tougher to take for anyone who had in hand a printed copy—small type, two columns, two pages, front-and-back—provided to the press by eager young DNC assistants. Thumbing through at what I thought was the speech's crescendo, I quickly realized that he was less than a third of the way through, and started wondering whether or not our parking lot closed at midnight.

Here's a Very Cute Photo of Hillary Clinton Watching Bill's Speech

Max Read · 09/06/12 07:12AM

Secretaries of state don't traditionally attend political conventions, and anyway, she was in East Timor (9,963 miles away), but Hillary Clinton still didn't miss her husband's speech last night: she watched it (taped) around midnight eastern time in the Timorese ambassador's home. Aww. Aren't they cute, in a centrist-sellout, welfare-demolishing, drone-warring, Glass-Steagall-gutting kind of way?

DNC Day Two: A Very Special Liveblog

John Cook · 09/05/12 08:33PM

Greetings from the Democratic National Convention in horrible Charlotte, North Carolina, where your humble correspondents were just penned like dogs with a mass of humanity while waiting for fire marshals or some such to approve our entrance. Hamilton Nolan, myself, and SPECIAL GUEST AND GAWKER EMERITA Ana Marie Cox of the Guardian are here to liveblog this magical night for you. Let's begin.

Bill Maher: The Only Politics We Understand Is Scandal

Matt Toder · 04/27/12 10:21PM

On tonight's Real Time, Bill Maher closed with rant about the state of our country's political discourse. "The only politics we understand is scandal," he said, "and the only scandal we understand is sex." Maher recounted many politicians who are not held accountable for their lies until those lies involve sex. It all boils down to the very problematic way we talk about both politics and sex in the United States.

Bill Clinton: Let Presidents Serve Three Terms!

Jim Newell · 11/08/11 12:37PM

Bill Clinton popped into MSNBC's Morning Joe this morning, for some reason. Perhaps because all the dentists offering root canals were booked at the time? Oh, yes, he had to promote his new policy book! Anyhoo, he really wants to be president again.