New York’s Dumbest New Scandal Had Nothing to Do With Fog
Andy Cush · 11/17/14 10:30AM
When Bill de Blasio arrived late to a memorial marking the anniversary of the crash of Flight 587 last week, he came with an unlikely excuse: his boat to the site was delayed by fog. The mayor has since backtracked—he had a "rough night," he said later—but has maintained that weather played a factor. A new report suggests it didn't.
Mayor Bill de Blasio Had a Hard Time Getting Out of Bed This Morning
Gabrielle Bluestone · 11/12/14 10:29PMTeen to Bill de Blasio: "Kill Urself, Fucking Dumass"
Andy Cush · 11/12/14 02:01PMHamilton Nolan · 10/21/14 08:02AM
Someday, Ray Kelly Will Shut Up About Stop-and-Frisk
Andy Cush · 10/01/14 07:29AM
Ray Kelly, the NYPD's longest-running commissioner ever and one of the people responsible for its current status as a violent law-enforcement behemoth, is still talking about stop-and-frisk. If Mayor Bill de Blasio doesn't appeal last year's federal lawsuit against the department's use of the tactic, he said yesterday, "people will suffer."
Zoo Covers Up Bill de Blasio's Groundhog Murder
Allie Jones · 09/25/14 08:57AMDe Blasio's "Don't Resist Arrest" Plea Doesn't Cut It
Andy Cush · 08/14/14 04:05PMTaylor Berman · 07/22/14 03:12PM
Watch Mayor de Blasio Settle a Hockey Bet by Butchering "I Love LA"
Andy Cush · 06/17/14 09:30AMNYPD's Pot Possession Crusade Continues Under de Blasio
Andy Cush · 06/13/14 02:15PMBill De Blasio Leaving Mad Garbage on His Curb
Hamilton Nolan · 06/02/14 01:54PMBill O’Reilly at Catholic Fundraiser: I Want to Beat Up De Blasio
J.K. Trotter · 04/04/14 02:45PMBill O’Reilly wants to pummel the mayor of New York City, Bill de Blasio, for demonizing the wealthy. “I want to beat him up,” the Fox News anchor said of Hizzoner. (You can hear the audio above.) O’Reilly revealed his violent wish at a Thursday fundraiser for the Church of Saint Mary, a Catholic parish and K-12 school in the Long Island hamlet of Manhasset. As the Bible says: The rich will inherit the Earth.
Breaking: Bill de Blasio Crosses Street
J.K. Trotter · 02/21/14 01:45PMAl Roker Cannot Believe This Snow Shit Bill de Blasio Is Pulling
J.K. Trotter · 02/13/14 02:10PM
Today Show weatherman Al Roker is very angry with Bill de Blasio. At a Thursday morning press conference, the New York City mayor blamed meteorologists for botching their snow forecasts, thereby giving the city grounds to keep public schools open. “Early weather forecasts showed just 3 inches of snow incoming,” he argued. (It’s now at 9.5 inches.) That’s when Al Roker opened his Twitter account:
Why Did Bill de Blasio Call the NYPD Over His Friend’s Arrest?
J.K. Trotter · 02/12/14 12:37PM
It’s good to be friends with the mayor of New York City. Soon after police arrested Brooklyn pastor and prominent de Blasio supporter Orlando Findlayter on Monday for two outstanding arrest warrants, Mayor Bill de Blasio called the NYPD’s press office to inquire about Findlayter’s status. According to Pervaiz Shallwani of the Wall Street Journal, the pastor was allowed to go home.
NYC Waiters Can Now Legally Give You Water Without Asking
Kyle Chayka · 02/04/14 08:37PMJ.K. Trotter · 01/31/14 04:29PM
Reporter Kicked Out of Bill de Blasio’s Secret Pro-Israel Speech
J.K. Trotter · 01/24/14 11:30AM
Bill de Blasio wants you to know he shovels his own snow-encrusted sidewalk, arranging feel-good photo-ops to show off his civic pride. The New York mayor feels a bit differently, however, about wooing the powerful pro-Israeli lobbying group AIPAC, whose members he spoke to in a Manhattan hotel on Thursday night, for a speech omitted from his public itinerary.