Another snowstorm is blanketing the East Coast in a polar-vortexed-frost, which means it's time for residents of unplowed streets to complain of classist plowing.

And classist plowing — which generally gets blamed on the Mayor, and which can be a problem in New York — there may very well be. Currently marked out in the yellow streets, which haven't seen a plow in at least six to twelve hours — are the Upper East Side and SoHo.

Former Mayor Bloomberg's home on 79th Street (one of four major roads that cut through Central Park) hasn't been plowed since 3:30 pm.

That afternoon run was the first and only time a snow plow drove by most Upper East Side residents with a Central Park view. Residents of the SoHo/NoLIta area have faced roughly the same plow times.

"I can't believe de Blasio could do this. He is putting everyone in danger," said Barbara Tamerin, who was using ski poles to get around 81st Street and Lexington Avenue.

But city snow plows are passing through the rest of Manhattan, including de Blasio's new residence, Gracie Mansion on 88th Street, every three hours or so.

And the Upper East Side sees a class war.

"He is trying to get us back. He is very divisive and political," writer and Upper East Sider Molly Jong told the New York Post.

"DeBlasio is trying to hurt the more wealthy people by ignoring us but there's no logic to that," florist Martin Cisse said. "There are a lot of blue collar working people out here driving trucks and trying to get around too."

The Post did not ask residents of the other yellow areas in Brooklyn, Queens, and the Bronx for comment.

[Image via PlowNYC]