A total of 19 people died in weather-related incidents this weekend, after an enormous blizzard swept across the eastern half of the U.S.

According to the Guardian, many of the deaths were attributed to car accidents in snowy or icy conditions. Others died while shoveling snow or, in two cases in Virginia, of hypothermia.

The storm was, by all accounts, a monster. In New York City, it was the largest one-day blizzard in history (the second-largest for overall snowfall), dumping 26.8 inches on Saturday, according to the National Weather Service.

Over 10,000 flights were cancelled from Friday until Sunday, and over 200,000 people lost power in North Carolina and New Jersey.

In Washington, D.C., drama ensued after the official measurement was questioned. Some estimates have put the measure at 17.8 inches. A timelapse of the Capitol Building getting blanket

Meanwhile, many have also hinted at the connection of climate change to the recent spate of extreme weather events.

[Images via Getty]

Contact the author at melissa.cronin@gawker.com.