
AOL Chief's Insane Content Quotas

Ryan Tate · 02/01/11 06:31PM

AOL boss Tim Armstrong wants a lot from his bloggers. He wants pageviews per story to more than quadruple. He wants total editorial output to rise 27 percent. And he wants this all by April. Uh, sure!

The New News Cycle: Report, Retract, Repeat

Hamilton Nolan · 01/20/11 01:39PM

In your cheeky Thursday media column: Henry Blodget demonstrates the New Journalism, NYT blogger profiles reach a new low, every media relaunch is delayed, and America's thinkiest journalists embed at a White House dinner party.

Tunisia Arrests Protesting Rappers and Bloggers

Adrian Chen · 01/07/11 11:57AM

Demonstrations protesting terrible economic conditions are now sweeping Tunisia, sparked by a 26-year-old's dramatic self-immolation last month. In addition to the normal police beatdowns, the Tunisian government is frenetically censoring the Internet, arresting bloggers and a popular dissident rapper.

Crazy Girl Thinks She Can Repel Men

Hamilton Nolan · 12/16/10 03:35PM

What is the point of "fashion?" The point of fashion is to repel men. Oh. Okay. Darn. This topic admittedly surpasses my understanding. Does it work, this fashion thing?

Vote on Whether This Couple Gets an Abortion

Adrian Chen · 11/18/10 01:46AM

The Arnolds are having a baby. Unless the public votes to have the child aborted. Meet the couple behind, where "you can vote and choose whether we abort or keep our unborn child."

Vigilante Blogger Exposes Teen Vandals Through Facebook Statuses

Adrian Chen · 11/04/10 10:23PM

This Halloween, teens descended on a Brooklyn neighborhood and proceeded to act like snotty teens on Halloween. A local blogger documented the mayhem, befriended some of the teens on Facebook, then posted their profiles and incriminating status updates.

Sarah Palin's Bloggers Hate Her

Maureen O'Connor · 11/03/10 10:27AM

Sarah Palin's new website, SPAlaska, features four blogs. That means Sarah Palin had to hire four unemployed bloggers, and you know what that means: liberals! One used to work for Gore. Another trash talked Palin on her old blog. [DailyBeast]

Can Perez Hilton Really Clean Up His Act?

Brian Moylan · 10/13/10 03:37PM

Blogger and face scribbler Perez Hilton is taking to Ellen DeGeneres, YouTube, and Out magazine today to say that he's not going to bully celebrities on his website from now on. Is he serious or is this a PR stunt?