Greta Van Susteren, Fox News anchor and power-blogger, was channel-surfing before her show tonight. (God knows she doesn't "prepare" or anything.) She happened on CNN's Parker/Spitzer, and was disgusted by the orgy of Bush-bashing sexual innuendo she witnessed therein.

Certified Internet genius Greta Van Susteren wrote of the shameful scene on her blog: A guest was discussing a past encounter with Condoleezza Rice and George W. Bush. Greta likes George W. Bush. But something was wrong!

What was bizarre is that the CNN guest made a sexual innuendo about Bush and Rice (including talking about "body language" and that Rice was wearing a tight short mini skirt) and neither Spitzer nor Parker said anything about it being just trashy and wrong to do. Neither stopped it.

Cheap, huh? Don't they get it? Is that really right to let things like that go? or worse, laugh?

I think my channel surfing days are over. I will stay on the O'Reilly Factor even during commercials.

Just three notes: 1) This blog post appears to have been written either by a college linebacker in remedial English, or a fourth-grader in an accelerated learning program. 2) Greta Van Susteren is the greatest living American blogger. 3) Why doesn't CNN say something? Is this right?

[Image via Getty]