
Andy Rosenthal: '...Hanging Ball.'

Hamilton Nolan · 04/14/09 01:01PM

In your hopeful Tuesday media column: hires(!) people, NYT op-ed-speak translated, Philly papers make an offer you can refuse, and journalists in peril:

Warning: Blog Comments May Lead to Blog Sex

Hamilton Nolan · 04/04/09 11:00AM

"CONSIDER the erotic potential between blogger and commenters," begins a trend story, as I gag on my coffee, laughing derisively. But hey it turns out some of these "bloggers" really are big pimpin!

Perez Hilton's Birthday Party: The Sponsorship Pitch

Hamilton Nolan · 03/25/09 12:19PM

Yesterday was Perez Hilton's 31st birthday! His star-studded birthday bash will be March 28th at LA's "iconic" Viper Room. And here's how his marketing firm is trying to sell people sponsorships of this once-in-Perez's-lifetime affair:

Nobody Cares About Dead Reporters

Hamilton Nolan · 03/24/09 01:42PM

In your "not really spring" Tuesday column: Obama to meet "bloggers"(??), journalists die while nobody notices, newspapers scrounge for ideas, and Eliot Spitzer's a media darling!:

Mayor Says Bloggers Put Her City 'Under Siege'

Ryan Tate · 03/16/09 09:58PM

The Salisbury, Maryland mayor's State of the City address starts typically enough, with talk of drainage, crime, road paving and federal stimulus funds. Then comes the part about the fascist blogger coup.