
Sunset, El Alto, Bolivia

Max Read · 09/14/10 11:17PM

[A woman walks in the road in El Alto, Bolivia at sunset, eager, like all of us, to catch tonight's episode of The Rachel Zoe Project. Pic via AP.]

Dolphin Safe, Too

Max Read · 08/23/10 10:47PM

[Biologists rescued this baby pink dolphin—one of many trapped by low water levels thanks to a drought—from the Pailas river in Santa Cruz, Bolivia. Pic via AP.]

Just Desert

Max Read · 08/02/10 09:05PM

[These baby Chilean Flamingos are wandering in the Uyuni salt desert in Bolivia, abandoned by their parents after a late nesting triggered by extremely cold weather. The adults, hungry and disoriented, have been appearing in urban environments. Pic via AP.]