
Madoff Book Commissioned Within Week of Bust

Ryan Tate · 12/18/08 08:51PM

A contract has already been cut with former Time and Fortune writer Richard Behar for a book on ponzi schemer Bernie Madoff, arrested one week ago today. Joe Nocera, ear your heart out!

New Yorker Editor David Remnick Joins the Obama Book Flood

Sheila · 12/15/08 12:58PM

New Yorker editor David Remnick recently wrote a piece for the his magazine called "The Joshua Generation: Race and the Campaign of Barack Obama." The ideas behind that essay will be turned—eventually—into a book about much of the same, Politico reports. (He had a Knopf contract to finish out, anyway.) When Remnick hired Ryan Lizza to cover the Obama campaign for the magazine, he had to talk him out of writing a book. But Lizza ended up getting a book deal about Obama's first year out of it anyway. Now his boss is writing a book that's competitive with his own!

Sarah Silverman Wins Beauty Contest

Sheila · 12/12/08 12:20PM

A "beauty contest," in the publishing world, is when multiple editors within a publisher have to present themselves to an author, who then decides the best one for their project. It's seen as a nerve-wracking, slightly degrading process. Sarah Silverman, of course, just sold her book—rather, her idea of a book of "humorous essays," which are all the rage these days, from Nora Ephron to Sloane Crosley to Tina Fey—for $2.5 million to HarperCollins. As the Observer reports, David Hirshey won out as her editor. Yay! Now he—whoops, she—just has to write the book, which was supposedly pitched without so much as a proposal.

Farewell, Intern James Frey

Sheila · 12/10/08 04:00PM

James Frey's internship has ended, and we're happy to report that he did a decent job and took the work very seriously. Watch as James goes on a beer run for the ad sales team, buys the writers coffee, and reflects on his internship experience. (Yeah, I look weird in this video and I don't want to hear another word about it.) On his way home, he took my package to the post office. [Video by Richard Blakeley]

Enough With the 'Semen Cookbook' Already

Richard Lawson · 12/10/08 01:52PM

So we've gotten an aggravating amount of tips about some kind of hell book called Natural Harvest that is comprised entirely of recipes for meals involving semen. Like, human ejaculate. It's nothing short of horrifying. It's been covered in a bunch of other places already, but still everyone wants us to know about it. Except us! We don't want to know anything! So here, in the hopes of shooing you people away, is a brief acknowledgment:

Judith Regan Was a Very Expensive Mistake

Sheila · 12/10/08 10:43AM

Remember Judith Regan? She was famous for publishing anything at her Newscorp/HarperCollins imprint, Regan books—as long as it was trashy, salacious, and celeb-autobiography oriented, like O.J. Simpson's If I Did It (which Newscorp killed.) She was like the National Enquirer of book publishers. In 2006, she was fired for saying something about the Jews, and she filed a $100 million lawsuit. It was settled out of court for an undisclosed amount, but, as the Observer brought to our attention, we now know the figure that NewsCorp paid out to shut her up—$10.75 mil. Damn—that's a lot of lawyering. Update: When called for comment by our intern James Frey, Jonathan Burnham, publisher of HarperCollins, said "no comment."

Meet Today's Intern: James Frey!

Sheila · 12/10/08 09:50AM

A while ago, in an attempt to get Ryan Adams as my intern instead of him interning at Blackbook (nice catch, Mohney!), I received a one-line e-mail from somebody calling himself James Frey. "I'll come intern for a day," it read. He thought it would be interesting to intern for people who "hated" him (a strong word!) and was especially eager to do menial tasks. So Vogue gets celebrity intern Sean Avery, Blackbook gets Adams, and we get James Frey. He has written books such as A Million Little Pieces, Bright Shiny Morning, and once he went on Oprah and she yelled at him! He'll be helping me pack my things into boxes for my imminent departure and factchecking, among other things. He's out on a coffee run right now, but after the jump, let's play "Ask the Intern," in which you can ask James about what it's like to intern for Gawker. You can find James' answers over here.

No Raises Next Year at Macmillan... and Merry Christmas!

Sheila · 12/09/08 02:55PM

Macmillan, the publishing giant that's been around since 1843 and includes imprints like Farrar, Strauss & Giroux (home to Thomas Friedman), Picador (Naomi Klein) and St. Martin's (South Beach Diet), gave its employees what passes as a Christmas bonus this year: he didn't lay off anyone but did announce a pay freeze for 2009 "for everyone making over $50,000." That's not as bad as getting laid off, however, which is what happened at Simon & Schuster, Doubleday, and maybe Random House. Lovely! Full memo after the jump.

Precocious Children Only Ones Getting Book Deals, Film Rights

Sheila · 12/09/08 11:26AM

The nine-year-old who self-published, then actually published, a 46-page book about how to talk to girls (he compared us to cars that need lots of oil, and we hope he isn't talking about what we think he is) just sold the movie rights to Fox, who thought it would make a fine movie. Maybe starring Robin Williams as the nine-year-old? Then there's the twelve-year-old, who was mouthing baby food only a few years earlier, who fancies himself a food critic (“Softish jazz music. Seem to enjoy kids but not overly") whose film rights were acquired by SNL's Lorne Michaels. Well, goody for them! Brats. Trend alert: only precocious kids need apply for book-to-movie success for the next few months. And yes, we would be happy to show you an excerpt!

Sinatra's Humiliating Godfather Tell-Off, Retold In $700 Book

Ryan Tate · 12/08/08 03:30AM

Photographer Steve Schapiro needs a hook to sell his $700 special edition book about the Godfather movie. The behind-the-scenes pictures (including James Caan wired up with explosive squibs, left), 1,000-copy print run and author signatures might not be enough, and lord knows the economy isn't going to help matters. So he struck a deal to excerpt Mario Puzo's 1972 book on the making of the film. This excerpt was, in turn, excerpted in the Daily Mail this weekend, and the part where the late crooner Frank Sinatra screams at Puzo in a restaurant is the talk of the blogs, 35 years after it surfaced in Time. It's a worthy tale.