
Bernie Madoff Was a Great Boss

Hamilton Nolan · 10/22/13 04:00PM

You heard of this fella, Bernie Madoff? Runs some sort of money management place in Midtown. Great guy to work for. The best. If you're job-hunting, that is absolutely the man you wanna work for.

We Are Staunchly in Favor of CEOs Having Dangerous Hobbies

Hamilton Nolan · 03/14/12 09:44AM

The Wall Street Journal today takes on a thorny question that's wracking the collective consciences of corporate boards from coast to coast: when does a CEO's private hobby become too dangerous? As natural leaders driven to excel and seek thrills in both their private lives and their careers, it's no wonder that many CEOs enjoy flying their own small planes, or even sky diving. Considering the responsibilities they have to their employees and shareholders, should CEOs of huge public corporation really be allowed to engage in risky behavior that holds a chance of serious injury or death?

How to Win In the Machiavellian Workplace

Hamilton Nolan · 02/29/12 01:00PM

Work. You can either conquer it, or let it conquer you. Amirite? Don't let it conquer you. Conquer it. Yes. Conquering it is preferable. Having survived four full years at Gawker Media—eight-time winner of Forbes Magazine's prestigious "Most Unstable Workplace" award—I have picked up some prudent methods of survival. Don't just work—flourish™.

Girl Exposes Boss and Quits Job Via Dry Erase Board

Emily Farris · 08/10/10 03:22PM

This awesome girl, supposedly named Jenny, got fed up with her disgusting boss and quit her job via 33 photos of statements written on a dry erase board. She then sent them in an email to the entire office.

How to Work When the Boss Is Away: A Handy Guide

Brian Moylan · 05/21/10 12:35PM

As Memorial Day approaches there are going to be plenty of days when your boss will be jetsetting someplace fabulous while you're stuck in your cubicle. Feel free to celebrate, but here are some rules to make it go smoothly.

The Catalog Of Workplace Humiliation

Hamilton Nolan · 08/20/08 03:13PM

Yesterday we told you the nightmarish story of NBC's pooping intern. It was perhaps the perfect embodiment of a mortifying day at work. But we asked you, our employed readers, for your own stories of humiliation on the job, and you obliged. We've picked the five best (worst), which are printed in order of increasing terror. After the jump, read why you should never touch scissors at a library, make fun of hobos, joke about speed, pass out on a plane, or try to catch your boss' towel: 1. The Case Of The Clean Scissors [The following is an email sent out to employees at a library]:

Liz Smith Thinks Col Allan Is 'Absolute Total Shit!'

Hamilton Nolan · 06/09/08 12:17PM

On the safe-for-women news site WowoWow today, octogenarian Post gossip queen Liz Smith weighs in with her opinion of bosses: "My boss is an absolute total shit!" Goodness, Liz! "As I have a lot of bosses in this world just as newspaper, magazine-writing, TV-appearing, Internet-contributing souls all have, I will not identify just which particular boss this is," she adds. But of course, we know exactly who she's talking about.