
Grandma Assaults Grandson With Garden Hose For Eating Too Much Bacon

Seth Abramovitch · 07/01/11 03:02AM

Now before you get too upset, the 64-year-old grandmother in question used the garden hose to spray her 9-year-old grandson in the face, and not, well, wherever your mind just went with that headline. But she did it at full blast! And also beat his legs. And all he did was eat a generous portion of delicious, crispy bacon.

The Great Starbucks Bagel Grammar Foofaraw

Hamilton Nolan · 08/16/10 08:49AM

Have you ever gone into a Starbucks and cursed their fake "Venti, Grande" size names? Sure. Gimme a "Large," amirite? And have you ever had police remove you from Starbucks for arguing about bagel-related grammar? Anyone? One lady has!


Pareene · 06/02/08 10:36AM

This week's New York Magazine explores "breakfast," that meal little kids eat before school and adults drink before work. They have many informative and thinky pieces about eggs and coffee and such. (Also there is of course a list of places to eat expensive breakfasts in many different fancy-pants categories.) Here are the two things we learned:

Breakfast is Political

Pareene · 04/16/08 09:13AM

The only adults we know who actually eat breakfast eat sensible things like bagels or bloody marys. But according to this annoying Times story on "microtrends" in political polling (one in a series of ten million identical pieces every paper in the country prints every election season), the electorate defines itself by its choice in shitty cereal. We have never heard of whatever trail mix garbage the Obama voters supposedly enjoy, while Clinton and McCain supporters' cereals of choice appear to have been devised not by polling but by a lazy observational comedian. Fiber One! Because John McCain is very very old, and old people have difficulty moving their bowels. [NYT]