
Apparently Lance Armstrong Bribes People, Too

Alyssa Bereznak · 10/20/12 04:52PM

Continuing a fall from grace so epic that it rivals the span of, say, the Tour de France, ex-Nike bestie Lance Armstrong is now facing charges of bribery, in addition to allegations that he ran a doping ring among fellow cyclists. If you have not already set fire to your copy of It's Not About the Bike: My Journey Back to Life, feel free to do so now.

King Abdullah Throws Cash at Restive Saudis

Jeff Neumann · 02/23/11 07:34AM

Out of the pure goodness of his heart, King Abdullah of Saudi Arabia today announced that he's giving out $10.7 billion worth of benefits to his subjects, including a streamlined housing loan process and 15 percent pay raise for government employees! The people of Saudi Arabia will be remain very happy and won't be inclined to complain about anything, ever! [BBC; AJE]

Don't Even Think About Avoiding Highway Tolls in China

Jeff Neumann · 01/17/11 07:21AM

Last month, 43-year-old farmer Shi Jianfeng was sentenced to life in prison for the most heinous of crimes: not paying highway tolls. So Shi's younger brother tried to take the fall for him, saying he had bribed the proper authorities.