
Why No Fried Fruit?

Hamilton Nolan · 08/12/14 03:36PM

Fried chicken. Fried fish. Fried potatoes. Fried vegetables. Fried dough. All popular staples of the American diet. Hey guys, one question: why no fried fruit?

Can Someone Please "Disrupt" Real Estate Agents?

Hamilton Nolan · 03/27/14 04:28PM

We live in a marvelous, annoying era in which startup geniuses constantly getting rich by "disrupting" mundane industries. Hotels? Disrupted. Taxis? Disrupted. On behalf of the beleaguered apartment hunters of New York City, I humbly request that someone disrupt real estate agents out of existence.

Insane New Education Reform Would Require Kids to Learn Things

Hamilton Nolan · 03/11/14 12:54PM

Our system of "public education" is at least partially successful at serving its primary purpose, which is to provide free babysitting for children and keep teenagers from prowling the streets during daylight hours. Now, some high-minded reformers threaten to clog up the entire setup by mandating learning.

We Must Build a New New York City Somewhere Warm

Hamilton Nolan · 02/05/14 02:44PM

This nation has a very fundamental problem. Its best city—New York City—exists in a northern latitude so extreme that it is a frigid sub-Arctic wasteland for half the year. Why don't we rebuild somewhere down south?

The Illusion of a Republican Anti-Poverty Platform

Hamilton Nolan · 01/13/14 01:15PM

It is a bizarre mark of progress that America's level of economic inequality has become so chronic and severe that even the Republican party realizes it must present some sort of proposal to address the economic underclass. It's like watching a gaggle of nuns plot out a sex-education curriculum.

Bring Back the WPA

Hamilton Nolan · 01/07/14 11:32AM

The 50th anniversary of Lyndon Johnson's "War on Poverty" has prompted a bout of national soul-searching about how much progress we've really made. If we're actually interested in helping the poor, we should look even farther back in history, and resurrect the WPA.

Hamilton Nolan · 12/30/13 01:19PM

Good Idea Alert: Why not have a football bowl game that begins at midnight on New Year's day, just after the ball drops? That way you can turn the game on at your New Year's party.

Some Fools Think They Can Improve on The Egg

Hamilton Nolan · 11/06/13 02:44PM

Here is some straight up bullshit: some scientist who like "playing god" are trying to improve on one of God's Greatest Creations—the incredible edible egg. NEWS FLASH, eggheads: it ain't gonna happen.

Five Ideas For the Next Century of Taxes

Hamilton Nolan · 10/02/13 12:52PM

Tomorrow is the 100th anniversary of the federal income tax. Thank you, federal income tax, for all the things you have bought this country, except the wars! On this auspicious anniversary, here are five tax ideas to make the next 100 years even better.

Look, It's a Good Idea About How to Pay for College

Hamilton Nolan · 07/03/13 03:33PM

Americans are currently drowning in student debt. Debates over this issue tend to descend into arguments over whether college is "worth it." Meanwhile, debt-hobbled graduates scrounge unsuccessfully for living-wage jobs. Oregon has a better idea.

Blimps Are Back

Hamilton Nolan · 06/14/13 12:31PM

The first golden age of floating dirigibles ended on approximately May 6, 1937. The new golden age of blimpity bleep bloop blimps starts right now!

Why Cats Are Not Good Spies

Hamilton Nolan · 05/08/13 10:30AM

Today in True Historical Misadventures of the CIA: the time they tried to turn a cat into a spy.

Somebody Should Figure Out How to Pay for Journalism, Says Guy Whose Job It Is to Do That

Hamilton Nolan · 03/11/13 08:33AM

For a solid week now, media types have been discussing the ethical and economic quandaries of asking writers to write for free. For—oh, about a decade and a half now, at least—media types have been discussing how the internet might affect the longstanding economic model of journalism as an industry. Now, one of most highly credentialed media thinkers in America weighs in with a proposal: Hey, someone should do something about that.