Florida Sinkhole Video Revealed: Terrifying Footage of Bedroom with 60-Foot Pit
Maggie Lange · 04/03/13 09:19AMWhitney Houston's Daughter Likely Doing It with Whitney Houston's Adopted Son
Maureen O'Connor · 03/15/12 09:44AMCould This Gay Male Twin Fuck Story Possibly Be Real?
Maureen O'Connor · 02/16/12 01:15PMKim Jong-il's Fat Playboy Son Totally Jealous of Cool Dictator Brother
Max Read · 01/17/12 12:35PM
The late Kim Jong-il's oldest son, the Ferragamo-wearing Chad Kim Jong-nam, lost out on a power struggle with his youngest brother, Kim Jong-un, years ago, and has since spent most of his time in Macau and China, doing whatever it is international playboy dictator relatives do. (Eat, apparently.) Not that he's jealous, or anything — no, he just likes to tell Japanese reporters that his younger brother is going to fail for completely different reasons.
This Man Was Not Even Invited to the Wedding
Hamilton Nolan · 09/30/10 03:02PMThe History Detectives Spotlight the Birth of the Warner Bros. Looney Toons
Chris Wyman · 09/07/10 01:43PMDe Niro and Clooney Take on The Vampires at the Weekend Box Office
Richard Rushfield · 12/05/09 01:58AMIt Seems Sitcom Evolution Stopped at 30 Rock
Brian Moylan · 09/23/09 05:55PMBlind Item Analysis: Which 'Hunky Actors' Just Can't Quit Each Other?
Molly Friedman · 06/25/08 05:00PMOld New York's Favorite Filthy Newspapers
Pareene · 06/02/08 11:39AM
Newspaper and magazines are maybe dying because they are simply not as awesome as they used to be. The American Antiquarian Society has put together a book called The Flash Press: Sporting Male Weeklies in 1840s New York, and those sporting male weeklies make our modern-day tabloids and lad mags look like they're put together by a bunch of kittens and marketed to little girls. They are called The Flash Press after The Flash, a weekly founded by a drunk Bostonian named William Snelling. He wrote a poem about how much he hated all the other poets in the nation, then moved to New York to spend more time at brothels. Eventually he founded that four-page weekly paper, dedicated to "Awful Developments, Dreadful Accidents and Unexpected Exposures." Was he the original blogger?!