The late Kim Jong-il's oldest son, the Ferragamo-wearing Chad Kim Jong-nam, lost out on a power struggle with his youngest brother, Kim Jong-un, years ago, and has since spent most of his time in Macau and China, doing whatever it is international playboy dictator relatives do. (Eat, apparently.) Not that he's jealous, or anything — no, he just likes to tell Japanese reporters that his younger brother is going to fail for completely different reasons.

"He's not comfortable that his younger brother is succeeding the power of Kim Jong Il," says [Japanese journalist Yoji] Gomi, the author of "My Father, Kim Jong Il, and Me," which will hit bookshelves in Tokyo on Wednesday. "He (Kim Jong Nam) sees his brother failing. He thinks he (Kim Jong Un) has a lack of experience, he's too young, and he didn't have enough time to be groomed. Those three reasons are why he thinks he'll fail."


"He's afraid the youngest son has no idea, no vision about economic reform," he said.

Yeah, that doesn't sound like sour grapes at all, or anything. "Oh, being dictator? I mean, Kim Jong-un is going to be really bad at it. Not that I care, or anything. Just saying. I would have been better. I mean, whatever, obviously."

[CNN; image via AP]