
Star Trek Captain Narrates Insane Documentary About Geocentrism

Jay Hathaway · 04/08/14 12:18PM

Kate Mulgrew, best known as Captain Kathryn Janeway from Star Trek: Voyager, is the narrator of a new and completely bonkers documentary pushing the theory that the universe is centered around the Earth. The Principle was announced in December, but a new trailer has reignited the "debate" over Geocentrism, along with worries that Mulgrew actually buys into it.

Tom Scocca · 03/26/14 04:34PM

A politics expert explains that because three Secret Service agents got drunk in Amsterdam, President Obama now faces "the worst thing that can happen to a president": a negative narrative about his perceived competence. This may harm his ability to "improve his overall job approval numbers."

Antiviral: Here's What's Bullshit on the Internet This Week

Adrienne LaFrance · 03/21/14 01:35PM

Is it just me, or did the internet seem extra hoaxy this week? It's not just me: Wayne Knight is not dead, this woman was not rescued from a desert island by Google Maps, and the world's most exclusive restaurant isn't really. Let's get right to it.

Did That Execution-By-Hungry-Dogs Story All Start With a Twitter Joke?

Adam Weinstein · 01/06/14 09:09AM

North Korean dear leader Kim Jong Un is a sonofabitch who offed his uncle last month. But he likely didn't strip naked Uncle Jang and slowly feed him alive to a pack of 120 starving dogs, as the media excitedly reported last week. In fact, that entire frenzy may have originated in a tweeter's dark-humored imagination.

Rich Juzwiak · 11/11/13 01:36PM

In further passionate defense of his frequent use of the word "faggot," Tyler the Creator says, "It's just another word that has no meaning." Tyler the Creator, by the way, is a rapper who makes money from his crafting and recitation of words. This is bullshit.

Some Fools Think They Can Improve on The Egg

Hamilton Nolan · 11/06/13 02:44PM

Here is some straight up bullshit: some scientist who like "playing god" are trying to improve on one of God's Greatest Creations—the incredible edible egg. NEWS FLASH, eggheads: it ain't gonna happen.

Americans, Who Are All Doctors, Embrace "Gluten-Free" Crap

Hamilton Nolan · 09/16/13 09:31AM

John and Jane Doe, residents of 123 Main Street, Anytown, USA, are just your perfectly average American consumers: board-certified gastroenterologists, who will only purchase "Gluten-Free" food items, because they have scientifically confirmed their own celiac sensitivity with extensive medical testing.

It's Water... With That Brooklyn Flavor

Hamilton Nolan · 03/12/13 10:08AM

If you're a hip and trendsetting young urban affluencer like me, you can hardly count how many times you've purchased a new brand of bottled water, only to be disappointed with its lack of that... certain something. "I dunno, this just takes like water," you grumble, tossing the disposable plastic bottle onto the mountainous pile of similar empty plastic bottles that have built up in your tastefully decorated apartment, a testament to your restless search for a bottled water brand that speaks to your lifestyle. I am here to tell you that there is finally hope: a bottled water that comes from Brooklyn.