
Cat Voluntarily Puts On Rabbit Costume

Christopher Han · 12/27/10 04:00PM

We approach this cat lounging, window-side, on it's chair. The cat somehow takes this as a cue to put on the rabbit costume / hat that has been designated to him. Ta-da! He hates us all.

Bunnies in Paper Cups? Bunnies in Paper Cups

Matt Cherette · 10/04/10 04:13PM

Do you have a case of the Mondays? (I do, so I feel your pain.) If so, then this will cheer you up: here are 61 seconds of nothing but two cute-as-a-button baby bunnies chillin' in paper cups. Watch inside.

And Now, a Sleepy Baby Bunny

Matt Cherette · 09/27/10 11:37AM

Happy Monday, y'all! Do you have a case of the aforementioned? If so, then this video should cheer you up: here's two-plus minutes of a very sleepy—and OMG SO CUTE—baby bunny, set to soothing bedtime music! Watch inside.

Cat Adopts Baby Bunny

Robyn Caplan · 05/03/10 09:30AM

A cat adopts a baby bunny and raises it along with her own litter of kittens.

Giant Bunny Takes Over The Today Show

Robyn Caplan · 04/29/10 10:08AM

Weighing in at 50 lbs, and 4'3'' from nose to tail, Sir King Darius is the largest bunny in the world. He might look friendly, but if movies have taught us anything, it might mean the end of the world.

'NYT' Rabbit Kill Story Enrages Bunny-Huggers

ian spiegelman · 06/07/08 08:14AM

This photo-along with the headline "Peter Rabbit Must Die"-opens today's "Home and Garden" section of The New York Times. It's a piece on killing backyard pests such as adorable woodchucks and icky snakes, but the illustration has NYC's bunny-owning community screaming bloody murder. A tipster writes, "On Yahoo's nycbuns group, which is dedicated to the well-being of bunnies as well as the emotional disorders of their owners, the New York Times photo has provoked a wave of infuriated posts." One enraged bunner pleads, "everyone please inform the NYT that it is totally inappropriate to use a picture of a lop eared house rabbit for a story about killing garden pests. one would think these journalists making $200k a year would know better - yeah damn mad at them and sent a very nasty email." More bunny rage after the jump.