
Max Read · 05/02/13 06:29AM

Hotel executive and Obama donor Penny Pritzker will nominated for Commerce secretary today. Pritzker, the Tribune notes, "has had rocky relations with labor unions," which is one way of putting it. Another way: "Penny Pritzker has a long and storied history as an anti-labor and anti-worker kind of boss."

Tim Geithner Sticking Around for Another Year

Max Read · 08/07/11 01:50PM

Despite rumors to the contrary, Treasury Secretary Tim Geithner will stay in his post through the campaign season. Not because he's good at his job, so much as because confirming anyone else would be a huge pain. [Politico]

Tim Geithner Is Finally Ready to Quit

Jim Newell · 06/30/11 05:15PM

Who's the last remaining initial member of President Obama's core economic team? The one people really don't like, Treasury Secretary Tim Geithner. But this job and his term as president of the New York Fed immediately proceeding it are exhausting him. It's backbreaking work, hoisting that money-launching cannon aimed at bankers all day. He's ready to quit.

Judd Gregg Withdraws, Because He Doesn't Like Obama

Hamilton Nolan · 02/12/09 04:58PM

Will America never get its precious Commerce Secretary? Obama's latest Commerce nominee, Republican Sen. Judd Gregg, has just withdrawn from consideration. Maybe they shouldn't have picked a guy who opposes Obama on everything?

Obama Didn't Want You In His Cabinet Anyhow, Dick Parsons

Hamilton Nolan · 11/17/08 11:40AM

Obama's plan to have a cabinet full of politico-celebrity superstars is turning out to be the least successful Obama plan ever. Already, Al Gore and Colin Powell have taken themselves out of consideration. That was a major emotional blow, because they are both known to get the party started right. And now former Time Warner chief Dick Parsons, one of the most successful black men in corporate America (by some standards), has taken himself out of consideration too. And he wasn't even asked!