Tim Geithner Is Finally Ready to Quit

Who's the last remaining initial member of President Obama's core economic team? The one people really don't like, Treasury Secretary Tim Geithner. But this job and his term as president of the New York Fed immediately proceeding it are exhausting him. It's backbreaking work, hoisting that money-launching cannon aimed at bankers all day. He's ready to quit.
Bloomberg reports that Geithner has signaled to White House officials that he's "considering" leaving the administration "after President Barack Obama reaches an agreement with Congress to raise the national debt limit." He'll only have another infinity years to make up his mind. But where would he go from here? His son is finishing high school, so he wants to spend more time with the family in New York. The kid should graduate just in time to catch the last banker refugee plane to Singapore. It all works out.
As for his successor, there's only one criterion that matters to the Obama administration: Who would the Senate Republicans not filibuster? This significantly shrinks the selection pool. Maybe even down to one person: Jack Lew, the current White House budget director and former Clinton official who's been involved in all the secret, failed negotiations with Republicans this year. A few days ago, Politico published a profile of him titled, "Jack Lew: A liberal GOP says it trusts." It's hard to gauge exactly how much the GOP does trust this person whose negotiations they just ran away from, but it seems like a signal to the White House.
Or perhaps JP Morgan Chase president Jamie Dimon. Can't you just hear the giddy White House deliberations? "Jamie would get the fucking liberals whining, making us look centrist!"
Newt Gingrich would be a funny pick, as a sort of anti-candidate. Oh my god... pick Newt Gingrich, please.
[Image via AP]