Old People All Drinking 'Energy Shots' Now
Hamilton Nolan · 06/02/11 11:31AMScientists Suck at Picking Diseases to Eradicate
Hamilton Nolan · 05/27/11 04:38PMAre Your Supplements Spiked With Illegal Drugs, or Do They Suck?
Hamilton Nolan · 12/16/10 04:49PMRepublicans Must Save Our Kids From Alcoholic Whipped Cream
Hamilton Nolan · 11/29/10 11:07AMLocal Politician Demonstrates Evils of Four Loko By Drinking It on TV, and Vomiting
John Cook · 11/17/10 01:36PMThe End of Four Loko Is Nigh
Hamilton Nolan · 11/16/10 03:30PMMichigan Bans Disgusting Frat Boy Drink
Jeff Neumann · 11/05/10 05:07AM70 Red Bulls' Worth of Caffeine Powder Kills Man
Max Read · 10/29/10 04:54PMMixture of Caffeine and Alcohol: The Cause of Everything Bad
Hamilton Nolan · 10/27/10 09:11AMGetting Too Jacked Up on Energy Drinks Can Lead to Murder
Jeff Neumann · 09/20/10 05:22AMLiars Talk Bad About Coffee
Hamilton Nolan · 06/02/10 02:00PMCoffee Kind of Healthy, Or Not
Hamilton Nolan · 12/29/09 12:10PMCoffee, Cigarettes, Alcohol: A Balanced Diet
Hamilton Nolan · 05/18/09 03:09PMCaffeine: Is There Anything It Can't Do?
cityfile · 03/26/09 09:13AM
Rarely are the experiences of athletes a lesson to those of us who tend to restrict their cardio to carrying a bag of groceries up one flight of stairs. But it turns out that the consumption of caffeine before competing in various sports like running, rowing, and swimming measurably enhances performance—which means that it's worth drinking coffee before going to the gym or getting on the treadmill, or indeed any half-assed attempt to burn calories. Caffeine not only increases the power output of muscles, say researchers, but also "affects the brain's sensation of exhaustion." And if you swallow enough, it provides hallucinations and communication with the other side, which would really liven up a dull workout!
College Students Experimenting With "Caffeine"
Pareene · 11/05/07 10:50AM
Breaking news! People who drink Red Bull and vodka are rapists and friends of drunk drivers! It's been proven by science. Researchers at Wake Forest surveyed 4,300 students on their drinking habits, and of the 2,900 who didn't lie about their sobriety, 700 admitted to using energy drinks as mixers. Which led to even more bad decisions!