Today in Product Review Spoilers: The $480 Pour Over Coffee Maker
Hamilton Nolan · 06/25/15 08:58AMBad Wasteful Coffee Machine for Lazy People No Longer Popular
Hamilton Nolan · 05/07/15 10:33AMHamilton Nolan · 12/17/14 11:26AM
Stupid Teens Reportedly Smoking Coffee for the Caffeine High
Jay Hathaway · 03/31/14 11:30AMIs Your Child Getting Enough Caffeine?
Hamilton Nolan · 02/11/14 10:05AMHamilton Nolan · 11/05/13 11:03AM
Your Coffee Is Getting Better, Not That You'll Notice
Hamilton Nolan · 10/30/13 03:59PMKids Need More Coffee and Less Ritalin
Hamilton Nolan · 08/09/13 11:21AM
Kids these days are straight up zooted and bouncing off the emergency room walls, thanks to copious supplies of Adderrall and Ritalin and all the other ADHD drugs that they got from you. (They learned it by watching you, okay?) If we'd simply been giving our kids Vivarin this whole time, none of this would have happened.
Might the Coffee Nerds Be Right?
Hamilton Nolan · 05/13/13 04:10PMIntroducing Mountain Dew's New Morning Drink for Bros: Kickstart
Robert Kessler · 02/11/13 04:31PMStop Trying to Make 'Get Cracker Jack'D' Happen. It's Never Going to Happen.
Robert Kessler · 11/16/12 01:30PM5-Hour Energy Might Also Kill You
Taylor Berman · 11/14/12 09:19PMMonster Energy Drinks Might Kill You
Taylor Berman · 10/22/12 08:00PMMotivation Is Easy
Hamilton Nolan · 07/23/12 09:00AM
When I'm out on the "lecture circuit" (out back of the 7-11), I'm always hearing you sad sack types whining about why you just can't get in shape. "I don't know how to get motivated," you sad sack types whine. "I don't have the motivation," you continue. It makes me so sick I just want to vomit out the 36-ounce Red Bull I just drank—for motivation!
Coffee Drinkers Live Longer. Who Cares, Really?
Hamilton Nolan · 05/17/12 09:10AM
A new study in the New England Journal of Medicine found that over a 13-year period studied, there "was a significant inverse association between coffee consumption and mortality," meaning that people who drank coffee had a lower risk of death, particularly from "heart disease, respiratory problems, strokes, injuries and accidents, diabetes and infections."
Should We All Be Doing Inhalable Caffeine, or What?
Hamilton Nolan · 02/20/12 09:47AM
The FDA is going to investigate whether the "Aeroshot" canisters of inhalable caffeine are actually safe. When you hear about widely available and totally unregulated drugs like this that are available with absolutely no medical supervision whatsoever to any kid who wanders into a convenience store, it makes you ask: is that stuff any good?