
N.Y.U. Student Ex-Prez Defends Frolicking Ethics

Emily · 05/02/07 10:01AM

According to now-former N.Y.U. College of Arts & Science Student Council President Meredith Dolgin, "the press can't seem to get anything right" when it comes to documenting the events surrounding the sudden end of her tenure last week. Know what? She's mostly correct! Dolgin got tabloid-raked through some Post-y muck for being a "renegade," "tampering with committee elections, frolicking in a pumpkin patch on the organization's dime—and helping to improperly use school funds to pay her own grandmother to speak at a symposium" in an article headlined "Student Prez's 'F' in Ethics." But on the "little known facts" page of a blog that Meredith has created in order to set the record straight, she points out that she actually got an A- in ethics. And that's just the tip of the iceberg.

Yale Prof: Alec Baldwin Did Not Seduce "Audrey"

Doree · 04/27/07 10:38AM

Last night we heard from Yale Associate Professor of English Bill Deresiewicz (affectionately known in these parts as "Cockmaster D"), who was upset that we'd posted two assignments from his class on "Reportage" the other day. (Assignment: "Report on a person or event in such a way as to include your presence as a narrator.") His students wrote about Alec Baldwin's visit to the Yale campus, and Baldwin's flirtation with a girl who was named "Audrey."

MIT Admissions Dean Faked Degrees

Choire · 04/26/07 12:39PM

Marilee Jones, the head of MIT's admissions, resigned today "after it was confirmed that she had misrepresented her academic degrees," according to an memo sent around MIT this morning. Gah! We hope she didn't actually go to Penn or something horrible like that. Weirdly, the dean has worked in MIT admissions since 1979. We salute her. And good to know—it takes them nearly 20 10 years to catch on to stuff!