Last night we heard from Yale Associate Professor of English Bill Deresiewicz (affectionately known in these parts as "Cockmaster D"), who was upset that we'd posted two assignments from his class on "Reportage" the other day. (Assignment: "Report on a person or event in such a way as to include your presence as a narrator.") His students wrote about Alec Baldwin's visit to the Yale campus, and Baldwin's flirtation with a girl who was named "Audrey."

While we feel that Prof. Deresiewicz should have been more concerned with the quality of his students' writing, he was upset that we'd inadvertently caused grief for all girls on the Yale campus named Audrey, or at least one. Turns out his student had changed the girl's name and it wasn't "Audrey" at all! Since he apparently thinks in loco parentis somehow extends to adult students, he wrote to us:

I'm the teacher of the class for which the pieces you posted were written. Now I understand that a woman named Audrey in the class is being hounded by media people and others asking for her story. In fact, the writer of the piece changed the name of the woman in question; it isn't Audrey at all. In the interests of sparing this innocent young woman further trouble, could you please post a note to that effect on your site?

We spoke to Audrey, too, and she confirmed that she wasn't the one upon whom Alec Baldwin laid his lascivious eyes. Unsurprisingly, the real student, not an "Audrey," would like to remain anonymous and declined an invitation to comment. —Doree

Earlier: Alec Baldwin's Trip to Yale
Earlier: Reading About Reading: Cockmaster D Revealed