
Serge Faguet is not happy to see you

Owen Thomas · 06/06/08 06:00PM

Remember Serge Faguet, the fired CEO of Sequoia-backed startup TokBox? He's got a startup in stealth mode, according to LinkedIn, but from the looks of this photo sent by a tipster, he's not working especially hard. (Faguet's at left, pointing, in the blue shirt.) Can you suggest a better caption? Do so in the comments. The best one will become the new headline. Yesterday's winner: "You said there would be girls here," by our own Fake Michael Arrington.

"No, I am not Julia Allison."

Jackson West · 06/03/08 06:00PM

Natali Del Conte looking more Fashion Week than Internet Week in a black dress and pearls, speaking at the New York Media Information Exchange Group meetup. Can you suggest a better caption? Do so in the comments. The best one will become the new headline. Yesterday's winner: 26footjasontaylor for "IMPEACH BALLMER. 12 GALAXIES FOR ZEGNOTRONIC ROCKET FUTURE. MSNBC: HARDBALL. MEXELOTRELLIS. HASTERPONIC LESBIANS. VISTA SP1." (Photo by Alexa)

Frank Chu at Laughing Squid's Lucky 13 party

Jackson West · 06/02/08 06:00PM

Ubiquitous San Francisco icon Frank Chu cages a smoke from a fellow party-goer at last weekend's 13th anniversary party for artsy ISP Laughing Squid. Can you suggest a more kryxocryogenical caption? Do so in the comments. The best one will become the new headline. Friday's winner: groslac for "Google to acquire invisible hand of markets." (Photo by Andrew Mager)

Google to acquire invisible hand of markets

Jackson West · 05/30/08 06:00PM

Business strategist Gary Hamel interviews surprisingly effusive Google CEO Eric Schmidt. Can you suggest a better caption? Do so in the comments. The best one will become the new headline. Yesterday's winner: TemplaHeron, for "Google I/O afterparty, May 29, 1977." (Photo by Steve Jurvetson)

Google I/O afterparty, May 29, 1977

Jackson West · 05/29/08 06:00PM

Wonder how much Google paid to hire away the designers from Duplo for the event. Can you suggest a better caption? Do so in the comments. The best one will become the new headline. Yesterday's winner: rwe112, for "So, seriously, neither of you spray tan? Hahahaha." (Photo by Alessio Bragadini)

So, seriously, neither of you spray tan? Hahahaha

Owen Thomas · 05/28/08 06:00PM

CARLSBAD, CA — D6 conference organizer Kara Swisher and bicoastal überflack Brooke Hammerling prepare to torment former Facebook COO Van Natta, who doesn't seem to mind. Can you suggest a better caption? Do so in the comments, but behave yourselves and be clever, or I'll ban all you filthy louts. The best one will become the new headline. Yesterday's winner: Jimmy the Saint, for "Sometimes that new iPhone is just a cigar."


Owen Thomas · 05/23/08 06:00PM

Most of Facebook's adult supervision gave the Facebook Prom a skip, we hear. But not recently hired Google execs Elliot Schrage, now Facebook's top flack, and Sheryl Sandberg, the formidable new COO who's revising Facebook's internal social graph day by day. We heard Schrage and Sandberg were tight at Google, but close enough for this "me-and-my-bitches" pose captured at the Facebook Prom event held two weeks ago? (Camille Hart, Sandberg's assistant, is on the left; she also followed Sandberg to Facebook.) Suggest a caption in the comments, and the best will become the new headline. Yesterday's winner: abmw, for "They never have enough restrooms in these Apple Stores."

They never have enough restrooms in these Apple Stores

Jackson West · 05/22/08 06:00PM

Above is a picture of a line of shoppers waiting patiently for non-existent iPhones at New York's 14th Street Apple Store as inventory dwindles ahead of the new, updated version widely guessed to be released in June. Guess they want to be the first of the last in line for soon-to-be outdated hardware. Can you suggest a better caption? Do so in the comments, and the winning one will become the new headline on this post. Wednesday's winner, late but worth it: WilliamMarkFelt, for "When you have the world by the balls, you can foist crap like Vista on them."

When you have the world by the balls, you can foist crap like Vista on them

Jackson West · 05/21/08 06:00PM

Director James Cameron speaking at Microsoft's advance08 advertising conference today in Seattle, pitching his new flick Avatar and making a menacing gesture. Can you suggest a better caption? Do so in the comments, and the winning one will become the new headline on this post. Friday's winner, in a close one: Tim Faulkner, for "Master Lodwick has trained his young padawan well in the ways of the fameball.." (Photo by AP/Stephen Brashear)

Master Lodwick has trained his young padawan well in the ways of the fameball

Jackson West · 05/20/08 06:00PM

Spotted at the MashBash in New York City on Saturday, CNET reporter Caroline McCarthy with Tumblr founder David Karp and Michelle DeForest of NextNewNetorks. Karp and McCarthy are officially an item we understand, which warms our geeky hearts. Can you suggest a better caption? Do so in the comments, and the winning one will become the new headline on this post. Friday's winner, in a close one: rwe112, for "Now it's time on Sprockets when we dance." (Photo by Leora Zellman)

Now it's time on Sprockets when we dance

Jackson West · 05/19/08 06:00PM

Proud Google CEO and father figure Eric Schmidt looks on as Sergey Brin and Larry Page announce their undying love for each other in the wake of the California Supreme Court decision legalizing gay marriage. We kid! Or fantasize, what have you. But we couldn't resist when our tipster pointed out how the young founders' outfits matched a little too well while speaking at a Google Zeitgeist event. Can you suggest a better caption? Do so in the comments, and the winning one will become the new headline on this post. Friday's winner: Torley, for "Our hero travels back in time to star in Breakfast Club 2." (Photo by Joi Ito)

Our hero travels back in time to star in Breakfast Club 2

Owen Thomas · 05/16/08 06:00PM

Before he turned into a Philip Seymour Hoffman clone, there was a time when Fast Company videoblogger Robert Scoble looked more like James Spader. And here we thought Scoble was a run-of-the-mill nerd before he found his videocamera! Thousands of Facebook friends and Twitter followers have not improved him. Can you suggest a better caption? Do so in the comments, and the winning one will become the new headline on this post. Thursday's winner: sample032, for "Google raises the stakes in competition with rival Baidu." (Photo by Steve Sloan)

Google raises the stakes in competition with rival Baidu

Owen Thomas · 05/15/08 06:00PM

Google has been hoping to get more market share in China, but surely not this way. A tipster sends in this photo of bus ads in Xi'an, China, advertising "Googirls" with the search engine's familiar candy-colored design. Is this another Marissa Mayer project? Suggest a caption in the comments. The best one will become the new headline. Wednesday's winner: "The first rule of Hair club is you do not talk about Hair Club," by FlakJack.

The first rule of Hair Club is you do not talk about Hair Club

Jackson West · 05/14/08 06:00PM

Hollywood star Edward Norton gleefully shakes hands with San Francisco mayor Gavin Newsom at a hearing on green building practices today before the Select Committee on Energy Independence and Global Warming on Capitol Hill. Write your own caption, and the winner becomes the new headline. Yesterday's contest drew no winning entries, so do try harder, won't you? (Photo by AP/Lawrence Jackson)

Chadrick loves Diana, and the feeling is mutual

Owen Thomas · 05/13/08 06:00PM

The act that first brought Chadrick Baker, virtual-worlds advocate and lover of love, to our attention was his declaration of romantic fealty to four Valley foxes. Bad news for Sarah Meyers, Amanda Lorenzani, and Sarah Lacy: Baker has found his feelings for art director Diana Furka requited. Before declaring their feelings, the two pursued a platonic paternship on a website, Good luck, you crazy kids! As for the rest of you, can you think of a better caption for mascot and mate? Suggest one in the comments, and it will become the new headline. Yesterday's winner: "You mean this isn't the Facebook prom?" by dannyisme.

You mean this isn't the Facebook prom?

Owen Thomas · 05/12/08 06:00PM

Despite not making the cut for this year's Time 100, Wikipedia founder Jimmy Wales showed up at the magazine's party anyway. (Past honorees are reinvited to the party automatically.) Even more surprising: On his arm was Andrea Weckerle, the freelance public-relations professional long rumored to have been smitten with Wales. If this photo is an indication, her affections are less unrequited than has been said.