
Robot CEO smuggles human wife into movie premiere

Jackson West · 05/09/08 06:00PM

We'd grown so accustomed to seeing Google CEO Eric Schmidt squiring girlfriends to events that we couldn't believe our eyes. Was that attractive blonde on his arm actually his wife, Wendy? The couple eschewed the red carpet when entering the Castro Theater for last night's Vanity Fair-sponsored screening of Gonzo: The Life and Work of Dr. Hunter S. Thompson for the San Francisco International Film Festival, but our paparazzo still managed to snap a shot of the publicity-averse Mrs. Schmidt. (Some insiders suggest that Wendy, a graduate of UC Berkeley's journalism school, was behind Eric's temporary boycott of after the website published their home address.) Can you suggest a better caption? Do so in the comments. Yesterday's winner: "Handvertising is the new banner ad," by loganvision. (Photo by Steve Rhodes)

Handvertising is the new banner ad

Jackson West · 05/08/08 06:00PM

An impromptu "Tweetup" at Medjool from the online shoe salesfolk at Zappos lured reporter Sarah Lacy out to Medjool. The promise: free booze if you promoted the website with a backhanded mention. Can you suggest a better caption? Do so in the comments. Yesterday's winner: "This picture brought to you by Seagate" by Duncan. (Photo by Scott Beale)

This picture brought to you by Seagate

Owen Thomas · 05/07/08 06:00PM

Schmoobiquitous videoblogger Robert Scoble, now filming interminably long clips about nothing for Fast Company, can take absolutely no credit for the jump in print advertising that landed the magazine on AdWeek's Hot List. But "Scooby," as his new colleagues call him, was at Prana in SoMa anyway, acting like the party the magazine's ad staff threw was for him and him alone. Can you suggest a better caption? Do so in the comments. Yesterday's winner: "You know how to whistle, don't you?" by Peteski. (Photo by Brian Solis,

You know how to whistle, don't you?

Owen Thomas · 05/06/08 06:00PM

At 21, Darian Shirazi, is just old enough to order a drink at the bar of Junoon, the Palo Alto Indian restaurant where this shot was snapped. But he's already logged two years at Facebook, the sale of one company, and a round of funding from Draper Fisher Jurvetson for Redux, his current startup. That was enough to draw the interest of John Hawksley, an MIT-trained engineer who interned last summer at Google and who, in 8th grade, starred on Dick Clark's Battle of the Child Geniuses. (Hawksley doesn't turn 21 until May 22.) Our tipster spotted the two in mid-job interview, or so he claims. Can you suggest a better caption? Do so in the comments. Yesterday's winner: "How could we all be picked last?" by longtailwagsthevalley.

Commercial casting, open call, Best Buy Inc.

Owen Thomas · 05/02/08 06:00PM

Team VentureBeat assembles for the obligatory group photo. The setting: a launch party for VentureBeat's DigitalMedia blog. Left to right: Well-paid tech-CEO transcriptionist Dean Takahashi; mopheaded cleantech writer Chris Morrison; skinflint business manager Jacob Mullins; Jimmy Olsen-lookalike and VentureBeat founder Matt Marshall; stylishly underdressed Anthony Ha; expert Techmeme gamer MG Siegler; and Eric Eldon, who's wearing his great-grandfather's three-piece suit. Yesterday's winner: Once again, WagCurious, for labeling Pete Cashmore "The face that launched a thousand ship-dates." (Photo by Brian Solis/

The face that launched a thousand ship-dates

Owen Thomas · 05/01/08 06:00PM

With wine and women, why isn't Pete Cashmore happier? The Mashable blogger's smile had to be mashed into place by Julie Wohlberg at a party thrown by Netvibes. Suggest your caption in the comments; the best will become the new headline. Yesterday's winner: scalawag, for "On the firing line." (Photo by Andrei Zmievski)

Don't smell evil

Nicholas Carlson · 04/29/08 06:00PM

There's a sign in the bathrooms at Apple headquarters that read: "Take 20 seconds to debug yourself." Here's how they do it in Mountain View. Or maybe this bar of soap serves entirely different purposes? Let us know by writing your own caption, below. We'll re-headline the post with the best entry. Monday's contest was won by photographer Matt Schlicht. The asscoiate commented about his snap of egoblogger with Robert Scoble kissing Schlicht's underage colleague Mazyar Kazerooni: "Oh - jesus. I didn't want to see that picture again. I'm pretty sure I took it but I don't remember clearly..."

Oh, Jesus, I didn't want to see that picture again

Nicholas Carlson · 04/28/08 06:00PM business-development associate Mazyar Kazerooni will do anything to get ahead — including, it seems, a little asphyxiation at the ubiquitous hands of Fast Company egoblogger Robert Scoble. Since this is a caption contest (the winning caption becomes the post's new title) you might like to know that yes, Kazerooni is under 18. Just like another one of Scoble's friends, Jessica Mah. The winner of Friday's contest: Leah Culver with "While now able to afford real women engineers, Google engineers are still embarrassed by their inflatable booth."

While now able to afford real women engineers, Google engineers are still embarrassed by their inflatable booth

Owen Thomas · 04/25/08 06:00PM

Laughing Squid photographer Scott Beale, shooting pictures at this week's Web 2.0 Expo, was rebuffed by marketers staffing the Google booth. Company policy, they said, forbade photography of the booth. Beale complained on Twitter, and word rapidly issued from the Googleplex: It was actually okay, they said, to publicize Google's attempt at gathering publicity. Can you suggest a better headline? Leave it in the comments. (Yesterday's drew no deserving suggestions.) (Photo by viss)

Craig Newmark offers toddler a surprise

Owen Thomas · 04/22/08 06:00PM

On tour in Israel, Craigslist founder Craig Newmark presents a young admirer with a gift. Got a better headline? Leave it in the comments.

"Do you really want my opinion of your startup?"

Jackson West · 04/21/08 06:00PM

What looks like a toy poodle-terrier mix lifts its petite haunches as it prepares to drop a deuce at the barbecue in Redwood City last Sunday. Which serves as a reminder to watch your step when navigating the local party circuit — Bay Areans are notoriously lax in their pet-excrement disposal duties. Got a better caption? Leave it in the comments. (Photo by Tara Spalty)

Did you mean: Google?

Nicholas Carlson · 04/14/08 06:00PM

Spotted somewhere in Los Angeles: A profane imprecation against Google, framed with a "Do you Yahoo?" license-plate holder. We're curious if anyone knows more about the owner — a bitter Yahoo Media Group employee in Santa Monica? a pumped-up search-marketing engineer in the Burbank office? — but we also welcome a wittier caption. Leave your best efforts in the comments, and the winner's will become the new headline.