Runaway Saw Blade Slices Through Hood of Truck, Barely Misses Driver
Jay Hathaway · 06/24/15 12:37PM
Life is a highway, I wanna ride it all night long (or until an enormous saw blade physically prevents me from doing so). That is a terrifying actual thing that happened to a driver last week on the Chongqing expressway in central China: a large circular saw blade buried itself a foot and a half deep into the hood of his truck, forcing him to stop. The man was reportedly shaken, but unhurt.
Family in Minivan Gets Stuck Under Semi Truck, Dragged 16 Miles
Jay Hathaway · 01/09/15 01:29PM
A Michigan family called 911 from their minivan early Wednesday morning to report that the vehicle's front end was stuck underneath a semi-trailer traveling down snowy I-75. A mom, dad, and their two adult children were trapped inside with no power and no heat, and the driver of the truck apparently didn't realize they were back there.
Cyclist Survives Hit-and-Run by Landing on a Mattress
Jay Hathaway · 03/19/14 03:55PMSure, the mattress flying out of that pickup truck is what knocked the cyclist down in the first place, but this whole thing could have gone a lot worse.
Elderly Couple Killed in Car Crash Found Holding Hands
Taylor Berman · 10/16/13 04:09PMLindsay Lohan Will Be Charged for Lying to Cops, Could Face Jail Time
Caity Weaver · 11/06/12 10:50AMEarning Money For Ruining Your Friend's Things, When Summer Love Turns to Autumn Scorn, And Other Questionable Advice
Caity Weaver · 10/18/12 03:15PM50 Cent Hospitalized After Collision With Mack Truck (UPDATE)
Leah Beckmann · 06/26/12 09:55AMArizona Man Gives the Best Description of a Car Crash Ever
Matt Cherette · 09/16/11 04:22AMA Phoenix man became trapped inside his SUV on Thursday after he lost control of the vehicle, causing it to roll over and strike a utility pole. In the process, the driver rear-ended another vehicle driven by a man named George Lindell, who later described the events to local Fox affiliate KSAZ-TV in this amazing interview that you must watch immediately. After all, "Reality hits you hard, bro." [MyFoxPhoenix; Thanks to Mike Byhoff for the tip]