
Watch 13 Trucks Crash Into the Same Trestle

Matt Cherette · 08/30/10 12:49PM

In Durham, NC, there exists a dangerous 11'8" trestle. Why is it dangerous? Well, because—in a one-year period—13 different trucks slammed into it (forcing the installation of an emergency crash beam). Video of each crash is inside.

The 25 Best Car Crashes in Movie History

Kirk · 12/04/09 09:45AM

In real life, car crashes are expensive and/or deadly. In movieland, car crashes are awesome and/or outstanding. We've compiled a list of the twenty four best car crashes in movie history, these range from explosive to crazy to silly to realistic to absurd and beyond.

If There's One Thing That's Guaranteed At This Year's Shakespeare Festival/LA, It's That Shrews Will Be Tamed

T-RO · 07/09/08 05:35PM

We don't mean to bite our thumbs at the Shakespeare's entire body of work, but let's face facts: some of The Bard's plays can be rather staid and boring (even in the hands of Baz Luhrman). But the Shakespeare Festival/LA has the antidote to our short attention spans and disinterest in anything ultra-historical. Last year they staged A Midsummer Night’s Dream in a jazzy '20s setting. This year, they go very L.A. for Taming of the Shrew. For starters, they put the play's protagonists, the lovers Kate and Petruchio, in a car. On a roadtrip.

Prince Harry Accused of Reckless Driving

ian spiegelman · 05/18/08 02:21PM

See, England? This is what happens when you let your stupid royal family continue to exist into the 21st Century. "Britain's Prince Harry has been accused of taking part in a 100 mph car chase in the British county of Berkshire, police say. In an official police complaint, 33-year-old Tim Williams alleged that royal protection officers forced him to drive at unsafe speeds by tailgating his car as the prince was traveling to an area nightclub, The Mail on Sunday reported.