
Drug Cartel Strings Up Bodies to Warn 'Social Media Users'

Max Read · 09/14/11 11:12PM

On Tuesday morning, two gruesomely mutilated bodies were discovered in the Mexican border city of Nuevo Laredo, hanging from a pedestrian bridge. Next to the bodies were signs, one of which read "This will happen to all the internet snitches. Be warned, we've got our eye on you. Signed, Z "

ATF Director Removed After Botched Gun-Tracking Operation

Jim Newell · 08/30/11 03:03PM

The Obama administration picked a quiet late-summer day to finally remove acting ATF director Kenneth Melson over the botched "Fast and Furious" operation that ultimately put assault rifles into the hands of criminals along the border. Melson wasn't fired though — merely relocated to a new Justice Department job. This is a great "win" for the NRA!

Mass Murderer Nonchalantly Confesses to Chainsaw Beheadings

Jeff Neumann · 08/29/11 06:18AM

Just over two weeks ago, Mexican authorities arrested a notorious mass murderer, Oscar Osvaldo Garcia, who is nicknamed after a popular TV hand puppet, "El Compayito." He admitted to personally killing, or ordering the murders of around 600 people. Today, the Washington Post reports on Mexican law enforcement's penchant for videotaping and airing dramatic confessions on TV. Here's a sample of Garcia's confession, made shortly after his arrest:

Teen Hitman Gets Three Years for Beheading Four People

Jeff Neumann · 07/27/11 04:20AM

A 15-year-old kid named Edgar Jiménez Lugo, also known as "El Ponchis," was sentenced to three years in jail yesterday by a Mexican court for beheading four people on behalf of a drug cartel, as well as drug trafficking and kidnapping. A U.S. citizen born in San Diego, Lugo gained notoriety last year after he confessed on video (above) to killing cartel rivals and random people for money and drugs, which he started doing at age 11. Lugo's sentence was the maximum available given his age.

Mayor of New Mexico Border Town Indicted for Gun Smuggling

John Cook · 03/15/11 12:47PM

Running easily purchased American guns to Mexican gangs is all the rage these days in the Great American Southwest, so you know it couldn't be long until a border town's mayor, sheriff, and city council got in on the fun.

Mexican Cartels Hiring Pre-Teen Hitmen

Jeff Neumann · 11/13/10 02:15PM

Mexican drug cartels are allegedly hiring hitmen as young as 12 years old to kill rivals and, failing that, random people — "maybe a construction worker or a taxi driver" — one kid, "El Ponchis" says on a cartel video.