
Tom Cruise Proves Sanity By Calling Shrink A Nazi

Ryan Tate · 06/12/08 05:15AM

Drew Pinsky is downright respectable, at least by TV doctor standards. Unlike "Dr. Phil," he has an actual medical degree, practices medicine and even teaches psychiatry. His reality show, Celebrity Rehab, is both more gripping and responsible than other celebrity "reality" vehicles. But Tom Cruise has allowed his lawyer to compare "Dr. Drew" to Nazi propagandist Joseph Goebbels, because the doctor told Playboy the following about movie star Cruise's fevered devotion to the Church of Scientology:

The Clinton Penis Chat

Ryan Tate · 06/11/08 01:18AM

Because the internet is a miraculous place where revenge fantasies come true , Gennifer Flowers and Paula Jones are selling video of themselves chatting about former president Bill Clinton and his sexual predation. Flowers, you'll recall, described during Clinton's 1992 presidential campaign a 12-year affair with him, while Jones accused Clinton of exposing himself to her in a hotel room in 1991. Hence the interview segments — $1.99 each — entitled "Paula And The President's Penis" and "Gennifer's Story And The Presidential Penis." There are five other segments, meaning the full video will run you $14. But the Guardian gives it a limp review:

Why Do So Many Star Athletes Go Broke?

Sheila · 06/10/08 10:17AM

You know how certain celebs are always screwing up their financial affairs? Then they have to do some really embarassing project to get some money back. The Toronto Star even posited that 60 percent of NBA athletes go broke within five years of retirement.) Brian Cuban (attorney for Dallas Mavericks owner and billionaire blogger Mark Cuban's enterprises) has figured out why! It's because they lack life skills. They're not total idiots—they just trust the wrong people.

Justin Timberlake's Angry Hack Interview

Ryan Tate · 06/09/08 09:25PM

Although this press-junket interview between Justin Timberlake and "Chuck the Movie Guy" is less than three minutes long, one gets the sense at several distinct points that Timberlake is about to either storm out or punch "Chuck" in the throat. There's an uncomfortable confrontation about a prior interview, an uncomfortable retort from Timberlake involving his Speedo, uncomfortable sarcasm — notice a theme? Videogum wonders whether Timberlake or "Chuck" is the bigger jerk here, but that's kind of missing the point. You really need two people, each acting aggressively awful toward the other, to produce a moment so beautifully bitchy. After the jump, video of this excellent team effort in awkward hostility.

When Will Anne Hathaway Dump Her Loser Boyfriend?

Ryan Tate · 06/09/08 05:56AM

Anne Hathaway can be so very dense. Her friend and fellow starlet Kate Hudson tried to warn the actress that her Italian boyfriend Rafaello Follieri was a loser, but Hathaway got pissed instead of listening. But the evidence keeps adding up. First he squandered tens of millions of Bill Clinton's dollars on penthouses and vacations when it was supposed to be used to redevelop Catholic properties. Then he got arrested for writing a $215,000 check against an account with $39 in it (to a PR firm no less — genius). Now his "Follieri Foundation," which supposedly vaccinates children in third-world countries, is under investigation by the state Attorney General for allegedly not filing basic tax-disclosure form. Now Anne's caught up in the mess because she used to sit on the foundation's board, probably because Follieri set it up to impress her and distract the winsome starlet from what a total scuzz he is. [Post]

Self-Humiliating Your Way To Literary Stardom

Ryan Tate · 06/09/08 02:15AM

The Wall Street Journal ran down the list of authors who have created YouTube videos to promote their books, and it turns out there's way more than enough writer videos to call it a trend! Video makers include Meg Cabot of Princess Diaries; Chuck Palahniuk of Fight Club; Naomi Klein of Shock Doctrine; Sherre Hirsch and Jen Lancaster. There are even companies that specialize in making these "book trailers." Is this a sad case of desperate scribblers whoring themselves out to an increasingly apathetic public? Probably! But it can be fun to watch!

Desperate Lohan Selling Gay Story?

Ryan Tate · 06/02/08 05:18AM

"Insiders told Page Six that Lohan and OK! are in talks to do a cover where Lohan 'comes out' about her relationship with gal pal Samantha Ronson, and the mag has offered her "around $1 million to do the cover." [Post]

James Frey Rewards His Saviors

Ryan Tate · 05/30/08 06:29AM

Fabricating memoirist James Frey earned a $1.5 million advance for his novel Bright Shiny Morning, and sales are strong. Now Frey is paying forward his riches from the book, and the money seems to be making a circle back toward the people who staged his comeback in the first place. Frey, the Post reported today, hired his wife's friend Davidson Goldin, former editorial director at MSNBC, to help with publicity on Bright Shiny Morning. Now flush, it would seem, with surplus cash, Goldin is starting a "media-strategy and branding consulting firm." And who did Frey steer to Goldin as a partner in this endeavor? Joe Dolce, the former Star magazine editor-in-chief famous for his poor management and communication skills. But there's a very relevant detail about Dolce and his relationship to Frey the Post omitted:

Oprah Tarnished

Ryan Tate · 05/27/08 07:06AM

"'Not too long ago, she was like the pope,' rarely criticized by her ardent supporters, said Janice Peck, an associate professor of mass communication at the University of Colorado." [Times]

Lohan Must Answer For Fur Snatching In Court

Ryan Tate · 05/19/08 10:08PM

Lindsay Lohan is being sued over that incident in which she left a nightclub wearing someone else's blonde fur coat, a coat she had not been wearing previously, and that the owner did not give her permission to take. This means Lohan is probably going to have answer uncomfortable questions raised by the situation under oath, assuming she doesn't settle first, which she'll quickly do if she's smart. The owner of the coat, a Columbia University student of Russian extraction, received it as a gift from her grandmother and thought it was lost forever, until she saw paparazzi pictures of Lohan wearing it. She raised a stink, and the $12,000 coat was returned through intermediaries, with no explanation forthcoming. At first she asked for $10,000 compensation for the three weeks the coat was gone, but now she's likely to ask for a six-figure sum, as her attorney vowed earlier this month. If Lohan starts negotiating now, she could probably get that down to something in the mid five-figures, and avoid both a costly court battle and further damage to whatever is left of her acting career. That's, what, a couple of night's worth of coke and bottle service? [Post] (Photo: Splash)

Miley Cyrus A Little Girl Again

Ryan Tate · 05/14/08 03:32PM

Hey, remember Miley Cyrus, the sultry teen temptress in Vanity Fair? It turns out she's actually a chaste little girl completely lacking in demon sex hormones! She can still help Disney make hundreds of millions of dollars from young girls, yay. The Hannah Montana star is featured in some new ads where she drinks milk like a baby. She's very excited about her part in the "Got Milk" campaign and is plugging away on one of her official websites. Miley, you can't just jump between sex icon and infantile little girl so quickly like this. Pick an image. You're flitting around like some kind of god-damned 15 year old or something. [E!, Body By Milk]

Real Housewives Star Overfreeloads At The 'Gifting Suite'

Ryan Tate · 05/14/08 10:46AM

Ramona Singer, the aspiring fashionista on Bravo's awful reality show Real Housewives of New York City, was spotted by Page Six acting boorish at a goodies junket, since her show and fellow cast members weren't embarrassing enough already. Singer was stopped at a "gifting suite" at the Ritz-Carlton "demanding four pairs of Luxxotica sunglasses and more than $6,000 of Lia Sophia jewelry. When she was denied, Singer screamed, 'Well, do you want press or not?'" Oh, Ramona. Sigh. If you're going to successfully run a jewelry and clothing company you have to understand there's a hierarchy to celebrity freeloading, and unsympathetic monsters starring in a basic cable reality show are very near the bottom. Also from Page Six, Housewives' "Countess" LuAnn de Lesseps who is married to a French aristocrat, was maybe snogging with a younger dude:

Alec Baldwin Lashes Out At Media Over Enraged Call To Daughter

Ryan Tate · 05/12/08 03:30AM

Actor Alec Baldwin was on 60 Minutes last night discussing the infamous voice mail in which he called his daughter a "thoughtless little pig." Baldwin said his behavior was "totally wrong," but also offered so many excuses for the outburst that it made me wonder if he isn't going to lose some of the public goodwill he's built up in the year since the call surfaced. Here's how my own thinking on Alec Baldwin has evolved (along with a video except of Baldwin on 60 Minutes):

John Mayer's Self-Deprecating Video Almost Redeems Him

Ryan Tate · 05/09/08 02:16AM

Musician John Mayer is arguably hot and deals well with the paparazzi, and maybe can play the guitar, but also is a Ron Paul fanatic, weak blogger and broadcaster and — oh, right! — Perez Hilton face-sucker. So: Yes, John Mayer Is That Bad. But now he's made a Spinal Tap-like video for FunnyOrDie.com, mocking the "creative process" of celebrity rock stars, and it's both self-deprecating and funny. It's also not personal enough to cut very deeply — nothing about Perez? — but with a few more of these could celeb-karmically balance the Perez makeout incident and Mayer could be back to Not That Bad or, dare to dream, Palatable. Mayer video after the jump.

Drudge Unloads Collection Of Horrifying Clinton Photos

Ryan Tate · 05/07/08 07:55PM

Internet gossip Matt Drudge parted with his precious, carefully-assembled hoard of scary Hillary Clinton photos in the clearest indication yet that It Is Definitely Over for the Democratic presidential candidate. Drudge gleefully culls these pics from magazines and newspapers every morning and keeps them in a scrapbook under his bed. But he knows they'll be worthless soon so he's rushed them onto the internet, probably while crying bitter tears of loss. A bunch of talking heads said last night that Clinton was done for, and even more say so in the Drudge-linked clip after the jump.

Girls, 15, Call Miley Cyrus A Slut

Ryan Tate · 05/02/08 04:56AM

It seems America's teenaged girls, their normative instincts honed to razor sharpness in high school hallways, have distilled the Miley Cyrus scandal to this: the Hannah Montana star acted like a "whore" and is probably a "slut." The Times interviewed several 15-year-old girls outside the Beacon School on the Upper West Side, and their comments neatly capture the essence of the judgements levied at large against Cyrus and Vanity Fair, fueled as they were by a conflicted Puritan hysteria about sex and self-interested image control masquerading as morality:

Julia Allison Now A Cultural Touchstone For Diablo Cody

Ryan Tate · 05/01/08 07:03AM

Screenwriter Diablo Cody fed fameball Julia Allison into her non-stop Gatling gun of pop-culture references, giving the Star editor-at-large a shout-out on Cody's Twitter stream. When Oscar-winner Cody is dropping your name for cultural credibility the way she drops the word "blog," or "jello," or references to newspaper cartoon character Calvin, you've come out, in some small, horrifying way, a winner. Radar's Alex Balk is, of course, thrilled. [Diablo Cody]

Stephen Colbert's Advice To Miley Cyrus

Ryan Tate · 04/28/08 11:20PM

Today's absurd scandal about Miley Cyrus' topless photo shoot for Vanity Fair apparently broke too late to make it into Jon Stewart's Daily Show (as with the Eliot Spitzer hooker scandal last month), but Stephen Colbert's later broadcast of sibling satire show Colbert Report did manage to have some fun with the 15-year-old pop star's predicament. Colbert's jokey jabs at VF photographer Annie Leibovitz don't cut too deeply into the heart of the scandal, but the late-night comedian gets points for fast turnaround. Video after the jump.

Vanity Fair Steals 15-Year-Old's Topless Virginity

Ryan Tate · 04/28/08 02:39AM

Miley Cyrus apologized to America yesterday for appearing in a Vanity Fair photo spread, her torso wrapped only in what appeared to be a bedsheet, her hair tousled, her lips painted bright red. Viewers of her Hannah Montana are mostly aged 6-14, and their parents worry this is just another attempt to sexualize their young kids. It's true there was something unseemly about the whole thing, in particular Vanity Fair gloating in its Cyrus profile that "the topless but demure portrait accompanying this article could be seen as another baby step, as it were, toward a more mature profile" and asking, in a caption, "Um, was Cyrus-or Disney-at all anxious about this shot?" But there's also something absurd about the outraged reaction to the whole thing, including allegations of exploitation by Disney and a parenting website suggesting readers burn Hannah Montana products in a bonfire.