7,000 People Were Detained at Homan Square, Chicago PD's Secretive "Black Site"
Andy Cush · 10/19/15 12:25PM
In February, the Guardian published a deep investigation into Homan Square, a shadowy facility where the Chicago Police Department takes suspects without booking them, entering them into any official database, or giving them access to a telephone or their lawyer. A new Guardian report claims that more than twice as many people have been “disappeared” into Homan as officials initially disclosed.
6-Year-Old Boy in Chicago Accidentally Shoots and Kills 3-Year-Old Brother
Brendan O'Connor · 10/18/15 07:15PMCops: Child's Head, Hands and Feet Discovered in Chicago Park
Hudson Hongo · 09/07/15 01:30PMJob Seeker Accidentally Sends Naked Selfies to HR Manager
Hudson Hongo · 09/02/15 11:45PMTwo Dead After Exposure to Hazardous Material at Suburban Chicago Home
Brendan O'Connor · 08/27/15 08:30PM“Embarrassing Is an Understatement”: Stories From Steve Harvey's Sexist Nightmare Special
Jordan Sargent · 08/21/15 02:30PM
Yesterday, I wrote about a recent taping Steve Harvey held in Chicago for his daytime talk show. Harvey brought 2,000 men into a theatre for a special devoted to “What Men Really Think,” and things quickly, even predictably, turned sour. Men in the audience allegedly drowned out female speakers with catcalls and hurled slurs of all types at both women and men present.
Police Department Does Reasonable Thing
Andy Cush · 08/07/15 08:30AMHudson Hongo · 08/03/15 08:35PM
Rapper Capo and Baby Killed by Alleged Gang Members in Broad Daylight
Gabrielle Bluestone · 07/13/15 08:21AMBeer Pong Player Distracts Opponent With Gun, Accidentally Shoots Two
Jay Hathaway · 07/08/15 12:50PM
The rules of beer pong vary from region to region—Is blowing allowed? When can you rerack the cups? What should we pee on and whose dad is getting us all jobs after graduation?—but it’s universally understood that defenders should create a distraction while their opponents are shooting. That distraction probably shouldn’t be a gun, though.
Chicago Cop Fired for Posing With Black Suspect Dressed in Deer Antlers
Taylor Berman · 05/27/15 10:16AM
Yesterday, a Cook County, Illinois, judge ordered the release of a photo of two Chicago police officers holding hunting rifles while standing over a black suspect dressed in antlers. One of the officers, Timothy McDermott, was fired last year over the picture, which was taken sometime between 1999 and 2003; the other cop, Jerome Finnigan, was sentenced to 12 years in prison in 2011 for his role in a cop-lead gang responsible for a series of robberies.
Missing Person Aaron Shock Reappears in Chicago Wearing Fancy Belt
J.K. Trotter · 05/07/15 04:30PM
Remember Aaron Schock? The Republican Congressman from Illinois’ 18th District resigned on March 31 in response to a cascade of scandals, such as his Downton Abbey-themed office, his use of government funds to pay for tickets to a Katy Perry concert, and his office’s extremely questionable travel reimbursements, all of which are now the subject of a federal investigation. So what’s he up to these days?