
Open Up Your Wireless Network to Prevent SWAT Raids Like This One

Adrian Chen · 06/29/12 12:05PM

Did you hear about the Indiana family whose home got raided by a SWAT team because they left their Wi-Fi open and someone used it to post threatening messages? It's being cast as a cautionary tale to warn people to always lock their wireless networks. But the more important argument it makes is for a world where nobody ever locks their wireless networks at all.

Reddit Reluctantly Bans Child Porn

Adrian Chen · 02/13/12 01:35PM

Metastasized Xbox fan message board Reddit is a little less pervy this morning after it explicitly banned all "suggestive or sexual content featuring minors," aka child porn. Only took six years and a couple public scandals.

No, You Can't Look at Your Child Porn in First Class Either

Max Read · 11/27/11 11:48AM

Paying for a first class ticket earns you a lot of privileges that you won't get in coach. Free booze! Comfortable seats! Plenty of room! But there are still some rules that apply in both sections. Like, for example, the prohibition on checking out child porn on your laptop.

Elaborate Anonymous Sting Snags 190 Kiddie Porn Fans

Adrian Chen · 11/02/11 10:47AM

Some of the internet's sleaziest users must be freaking out today, having been outed by Anonymous as visitors to child porn forums. Vigilante Anonymous hackers are taking their war on underground kiddie porn to a new level by posting the IP addresses of people they claim are pedophiles.

Vigilante Hackers Wage War on Underground Kiddie Porn

Adrian Chen · 10/21/11 03:01PM

Just below the surface of the internet sits a network of hidden websites home to some of the worst stuff imaginable. Now hackers are going after pedophiles hiding in the so-called dark net.

Reddit's Child Porn Scandal

Adrian Chen · 10/11/11 12:11PM

It appears a user of the popular message board Reddit has been caught distributing child pornography on a section of the site dedicated to sharing sexualized images of underaged girls. What a shock.

Teacher's MacBook Presentation Begins with Surprise Vagina

Seth Abramovitch · 08/02/11 01:36AM

Last November, Michigan computer teacher Paul Gust (pictured), 45, powered up his school-issued MacBook to show another staff member a presentation he was preparing for the school board. That's when "a nude female's pubic region with her legs spread apart" appeared on the monitor. Oopsies! How did that get in there?

Facebook Boosts Its Anti-Child Porn Technology

Adrian Chen · 05/19/11 01:31PM

Just last week, Florida police found 36 images of child porn on a Florida man's Facebook page. Last year an "international child porn ring" was busted on Facebook. In a bid to help catch future pervs, Facebook is rolling out some brand new anti-kiddie porn technology.

Why You Need to Secure Your WiFI Network

Max Read · 04/24/11 04:44PM

In February, federal agents raided the home of a man in Buffalo (throwing him down the stairs in the process) and arrested him for possession of child pornography. It took three days for the authorities to realize they had the wrong guy: The suspect's neighbor had accessed his unprotected wireless network and used it to share child porn. Something similar happened to a man in Florida last year, and to another man in Syracuse, N.Y. in 2009 (upstate New York agents may want to rethink their process); the point is, password-protect your wireless network, because your neighbor is probably a pedophile. [AP]

MTV's Skins Has a Child Porn Problem

Adrian Chen · 01/19/11 09:56PM

The new MTV show Skins aspires to a frank portrayal of very young, very horny teens. This requires lots of sexy material. But some MTV execs started worrying Skins might be a little too sexy, in a child porn way.

Pervy Sailor Got His Kiddie Porn Stash from 4chan

Adrian Chen · 11/03/10 06:27PM

Spend enough time on 4chan's notorious /b/ message board and you'll come across child porn that slipped past overwhelmed moderators. One Navy sailor downloaded some kiddie porn he found on 4chan; now he's the subject of a federal investigation.

Old-Timey Ads Full of Sex Pervs, Weirdos

Hamilton Nolan · 02/23/10 11:19AM

In the olden days, the preferred way to sell chocolate milk powder was with pictures of futuristic scientists shining heat lamps onto the bottoms of naked young boys. Afterwards, families retreated to 7-Eleven parking lots to bask in nature's glow.