
6.7 Aftershock Hits Chile

Adrian Chen · 03/15/10 09:56PM

Chile can't catch a break: Another 6.7 magnitude aftershock hit 45 miles off the coast.

Watch as Chilean Tsunami Hits Hawaii

Jon Martin · 03/01/10 03:40PM

Immediately following the earthquake in Chile, Hawaii was put on high-alert due to the threat of a tsunami. Watch as a group of beach-goers in Hawaii spot the tsunami, and flee in terror.

[via YouTube]

Chile's Pole Dancing 'Subway Goddess'

ian spiegelman · 07/12/08 12:14PM

As long as you're here, why not watch this video of a Chilean hero who enlivens the commutes of her fellow subway passengers by performing impromptu subterranean pole dances? Clip after the jump.