
The Best Way To Eat Chipotle

Jordan Sargent · 08/10/16 01:10PM

Chipotle offers four ways to consume its product: burrito, burrito bowl, taco, and salad. Instead, I recommend a fifth way.

Chipotle Will Shut Down Every Single Store On February 8 for Food Safety Meeting

J.K. Trotter · 01/15/16 11:15AM

Do you still eat at Chipotle? Even after various outbreaks of E. Coli, salmonella, and norovirus swept across its North American locations? If your answer is yes, you must be a very dedicated Chipotle consumer. Which is why you may want to plan ahead for February 8, when every Chipotle restaurant will close for several hours so that its executives can address food safety concerns with staff. A spokesperson for the Denver-cased fast casual chain discussed the plan with Oregonian reporter Lynn Terry:

Chipotle Sued For Defrauding Investors Over the E. Coli They Were Serving Up

Gabrielle Bluestone · 01/08/16 04:07PM

Chipotle, the chain Mexican restaurant that proudly boasts a menu of food “with integrity,” and in several instances, “with E. coli,” has a new affliction to fight off: A lawsuit alleging the company defrauded its investors with regard to its food safety, or lack thereof.

Chipotle: Our Employees Didn’t Shout “Hands Up Don’t Shoot” at Baltimore Cops

Andy Cush · 12/18/15 02:15PM

A deleted post to a private Baltimore neighborhood Facebook group details an exchange between two uniformed BPD cops and employees at a Chipotle in which the employees, on seeing the police, raised their hands and yelled “hands up, don’t shoot,” mimicking anti-police brutality protests across the country.

The Price of a Literary Chipotle Cup

J.K. Trotter · 12/05/14 04:40PM

Earlier this week, we asked our readers for any information about Chipotle’s “Cultivating Thought” campaign—namely, how much dough the chain restaurant is offering famous authors to write the (extremely) short stories that appear on Chipotle cups and bags. Our readers delivered a few theories, and at least two plausible numbers.

How Much Is Chipotle Paying Writers?

J.K. Trotter · 12/01/14 03:30PM

Over the weekend, the New York Times highlighted Chipotle’s recent decision to print (very) short stories by famous writers on its paper cups and take-out bags. Called “Cultivating Thought,” the campaign is the brainchild of Brooklyn novelist Jonathan Safran Foer, who approached the fast-casual Mexican grill chain after visiting one of its establishments earlier this year. Toni Morrison and Malcolm Gladwell have signed on. So let’s ask what New York’s literary milieu have wondered about: How much is Chipotle paying?

Taylor Swift Handed a Girl $90 Out of Her Purse to Go to Chipotle

Caity Weaver · 08/04/14 05:13PM

The slightly-dotty-but-kind grandmother who inhabits the lithe, nubile body of 24-year-old Taylor Swift is up to her old tricks again. What's she gone and done now? Pulled $90 out of her pocketbook and given it to a stranger who didn't even ask for it, is all. Thanks for the money, Nana. Got any peppermints?

A Lot of People Bought Chipotle Last Quarter

Aleksander Chan · 07/21/14 10:54PM

A lot of you have been eating Chipotle lately. Lots. The fast-casual burrito chain posted a 26 percent hike in second quarter profits and same-store sales (or locations open at least a year) are up 17.3 percent. And that was after the first price hike at the company in three years. But who is buying all that Chipotle? Millennials, says founder Steve Ells.