Do you still eat at Chipotle? Even after various outbreaks of E. Coli, salmonella, and norovirus swept across its North American locations? If your answer is yes, you must be a very dedicated Chipotle consumer. Which is why you may want to plan ahead for February 8, when every Chipotle restaurant will close for several hours so that its executives can address food safety concerns with staff. A spokesperson for the Denver-cased fast casual chain discussed the plan with Oregonian reporter Lynn Terry:

Chris Arnold, the company’s spokesman, said the meeting would happen Feb. 8 and involve all staff. A range of issues will be covered. “We want to thank our teams for all of their hard work, to discuss some of the changes we are making to enhance food safety, to talk about the restaurants role in all of that and to answer questions from employees,” he said in an email.

Since August, hundreds of people in at least eight states—California, Kansas, Massachusetts, Minnesota, North Dakota, Oklahoma, Oregon and Washington State—have been diagnosed with food poisoning after eating Chipotle fare, so the company will have no shortage of discussion topics.

Any readers who need to figure out different lunch plans on February 8 may discuss their favorite Chipotle alternatives below.

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