
Thatz Not Okay: Can I Tell My Friend His Wife Uses Sex to Trick Him?

Caity Weaver · 05/08/14 10:56AM

I am friends with a married couple where the wife confides in me with relationship issues and happenings. Recently, the wife informed me that she has only been using sex as a "behavioral training mechanism" (her words) to get her husband to complete various domestic tasks. For instance, she has rewarded emptying the dishwasher with daily sex as reinforcement. After three weeks, the dishwasher has continued to be emptied sans sex. This has apparently occurred on multiple occasions for cleaning and other household tasks.

How Much Irrational Anger Will Result From This Study Linking Women, Housework, and Physical Fitness?

Hamilton Nolan · 02/28/13 11:29AM

First, let us present the plain facts: there is a new study out, based on statistics gleaned from "time use diaries" filled out by women chronicling their own activity. Researchers found that American women today are spending only about half as much time doing housework—vacuuming, laundry, etc.—as they were 45 years ago. During the same period of time, the amount of time that women spent sitting down and watching a screen doubled. The conclusion, based in simple biological fact, as stated in the NYT in a story headlined "What Housework Has to Do With Waistlines:"

World's Fastest Busboy Works in Fast-Forward

Christopher Han · 10/15/10 09:42AM

There must be some new technology that allows only a portion of the video frame to be in fast-forward. Because this gentleman is killing as a busboy. Table for nine finished in 90 seconds? How busy is this place, anyway?