
Donald Trump Continues to Humiliate Chris Christie at Every Turn

Brendan O'Connor · 03/14/16 07:36PM

In an appearance Monday at Youngstown-Warren Regional Airport in Vienna, Ohio, Donald Trump, in the course of criticizing John Kasich for abandoning his duties as governor in order to campaign for president also took a swipe at his friend and hostage Chris Christie for the very same thing.

Chris Christie on Obvious Hostage Video: "I Wasn't Being Held Hostage"

Jordan Sargent · 03/03/16 01:57PM

Today in New Jersey, Chris Christie held a press conference that appeared to mostly be a response to memes about the weirdo glass-eyed stare he had on his face during Donald Trump’s Super Tuesday press event. Speaking to reporters, Christie reiterated that he “wasn’t being held hostage” which is something that only someone currently being held hostage would feel the need to announce.

New Jersey Commuters, Prepare for Hell

Hamilton Nolan · 03/02/16 09:20AM

Chris Christie may be out of the presidential race, but soon he will get a chance to revel in the glory of plunging thousands of his state’s commuters into a living hell. It’s almost time for a transit strike!

Chris Christie, Blink Twice If You Need Help

Ashley Feinberg · 03/01/16 10:42PM

Tonight, as Chris Christie introduced Donald Trump and stood by him during his resounding victory speech, we got to witness the exact moment that the beautiful light in Chris Christie’s soul forever dimmed. Chris—it’s not too late, and no man deserves this fate. Please, blink twice for help.

Watch a Supercut of Donald Trump and Chris Christie Shit-Talking Each Other

Jordan Sargent · 02/29/16 04:00PM

Donald Trump and Chris Christie were friends before each began running for president, and they’re certainly friends now that Christie is campaigning on Trump’s behalf as his first major establishment endorsement. But in the months between those periods—when Trump appeared to be little more than a nuisance to party favorites like Christie, before eventually overtaking them all—the two sniped at each other with fervor.