
Adam Weinstein · 01/09/14 02:57PM

Aaaaaand scene: David Wildstein, the Chris Christie pal who carried out the traffic shutdown known as Bridgegate, has been accused of criminal contempt by the New Jersey Assembly for refusing to answer questions. Logically, whatever misdoings he's aware of rose higher in his mind than the rap he's getting now.

Adam Weinstein · 01/09/14 01:47PM

Just after the New Jersey governor's damage-control presser, a Chris Christie classmate and Port Authority appointee who engineered a traffic jam in Ft. Lee last September pled the fifth in a state Assembly hearing. The official, David Wildstein, lost a fight to avoid testifying about "Bridgegate" earlier today.

Christie: Sorry, I'm Just Really Bad at Knowing What My People Do

Adam Weinstein · 01/09/14 12:06PM

Chris Christie wants your pity. He is just a poor humble ex-investigative attorney and strongarm governor who had no idea his closest advisors planned a four-day traffic jam for political retribution, because, geez, he asked everyone if they were involved, and they said no, and man, that makes him "sad."

Tom Scocca · 01/09/14 12:00PM

In his ongoing damage-control news conference, New Jersey governor Chris Christie has said he has spent two sleepless nights* searching his soul about his staff's misbehavior in the bridge-closure scandal. Christie has also said he only learned about the misbehavior yesterday morning.

Chris Christie Is Either a Vengeful Asshole or Entirely Incompetent

Adam Weinstein · 01/09/14 09:40AM

There's one thing missing from the recently unearthed emails that show Chris Christie's underlings conspired to jam up traffic for political revenge: Any messages from Christie himself. He claims he knew nothing of it. He claims, in other words, that he's not an evil string-puller, just an ineffective slackjaw.

Did Chris Christie Screw Commuters for Political Payback?

Adam Weinstein · 12/11/13 05:40PM

Last September, traffic into New York on the George Washington Bridge got jacked up when a Chris Christie appointee ordered a shutdown of toll lanes. His office said it was for a traffic study. But it may actually have been to score some getback with a local mayor who angered New Jersey's cantankerous governor.

Lacey Donohue · 11/05/13 08:08PM

Chris Christie, the loudmouth prick who was deemed too fat to be vice president, has been re-elected as the governor of New Jersey.

Max Read · 06/04/13 12:55PM

Want to be a senator? New Jersey Chris Christie just announced that he'll hold a special election to replace the late Frank Lautenberg on Oct 16. (The primary is on August 13, so get cracking.) Christie will appoint an interim senator (he hasn't chosen yet) to hold the spot until then.

Chris Christie Admits to Weight-Loss Surgery

Max Read · 05/07/13 07:46AM

Fat loudmouth prick Chris Christie, the governor of New Jersey, is well on his way to becoming plain old loudmouth prick Chris Christie, after getting lap-band surgery to lose weight and dropping 40 pounds in three months.

Cory Booker May Have Just Accidentally Announced Plans to Run for New Jersey Governor

Taylor Berman · 12/10/12 08:52PM

Food stamp using and BIG_BOOBS_CARLY retweeting Newark Mayor Cory Booker has been a rumored challenger for incumbent New Jersey Governor Chris Christie for some time now. With the election just under a year away, Booker may have just accidentally announced his intention to run. In a live interview with the Huffington Post, Booker was asked if he would grade Christie's job as governor.

You Didn't Make Barbara Walters' List of Most Fascinating People of 2012

MTanzer · 11/20/12 09:32PM

Unless you're Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, one of the twinks from One Direction, "Fifty Shades of Grey" author E.L. James, Olympian Gabby Douglas, musical idiot Seth MacFarlane, probable Oscar winner Ben Affleck, or perennially angry New Jersey Governor Chris Christie, you did not make Barbara Walters annual list of most fascinating people.