
Chris Christie Cried After Getting a Hug From Bruce Springsteen, Is Still Totally & Weirdly Obsessed

Taylor Berman · 11/06/12 12:54AM

These days, Bruce Springsteen fandom is like a rite of passage for middle-aged politicians/political pundits. But no one, not even David Brooks in Europe, comes close to Hurricane Sandy breakout star Chris Christie's obsession. Dude has reportedly seen Springsteen live over 130 times and is known to enter a prayer-like trance/fall asleep during the Boss's concerts.

Republicans Are Just Like You: Creepy Two-Bit Bad Actors

Hamilton Nolan · 08/29/12 09:15AM

You can't really appreciate the extent to which politicians are actors until you're seated in a shitty press seat at a political convention that does not give you a direct view of the stage, but which does give you a view of a huge TV screen showing the politician speak and, simultaneously, a view of the teleprompter from which they're reading. In this position, every dramatic pause, every glowing smile, every instance of pointy-finger and raised voice and shaken head can be seen for what it really is: an actor, reading lines, trying to get the part.

Exorcists, Empty Suits, and Granny Starvers: The Gawker Guide to Mitt Romney's VP Picks

Mobutu Sese Seko · 07/19/12 10:10AM

The last week must have thrilled anybody playing Romney VP bingo. Rumors suggested Romney would pick Condoleezza Rice. Rice has never run for—nor expressed interest in—elected office, probably couldn't siphon "the black vote" away from Carlton on Fresh Prince, and her candidacy's soundtrack would be Block Rockin' Briefs '01: Bin Laden Determined to Attack U.S. This week the VP rumor was about Tim Pawlenty, who is boring.

Jon Stewart Points Out NJ Governor Chris Christie's Ideological Hypocrisy

Matt Toder · 06/27/12 10:27PM

New York Governor Andrew Cuomo's pot decriminalization bill may be all but dead but the issue is still alive in New Jersey where the state legislature is considering the idea. All that stands in the way is the promise of a veto from Governor Chris Christie, who won't go against federal drug policy. And that's funny because he's perfectly willing to flout federal gambling policies.

It's Easier Than Ever to Get Married While Drunk at a Seaside New Jersey Hellscape

Hamilton Nolan · 01/13/12 09:33AM

Atlantic City: the biggest shithole on the East Coast, where blocks of open-air crack markets immediately give way to cut-rate seedy casinos full of doomed and hopeless poverty-level day trippers in a geographic continuum of vice and despair unequaled anywhere in its chemical spill-laden state of New Jersey. Now it's easier to have your wedding there. Alert your spouse-to-be.

Chris Christie, the Campaign Trail's Most Reliable Wind-Up Toy

Jim Newell · 01/10/12 01:16PM

What does Chris Christie even mean when he waddles up to these New Hampshire hecklers — females, primarily — at a Mitt Romney event and tells them, "You know, something may go down tonight but it ain't gonna be jobs, sweetheart?" He's responding to their chants of "Christie kills jobs!" and "Mitt kills jobs!" So, we have three options.

Chris Christie Somehow Contains His Temper While Getting Mic Checked

Jim Newell · 12/08/11 01:15PM

The good Governor Sandwiches of New Jersey, our old pal Chris Christie, was out stumping for Mitt Romney in Iowa yesterday (poor guy) when local America- and capitalism-destroying monsters of Occupy Des Moines pulled out the "people's mic" on him.

Why Isn't Chris Christie Getting His Marijuana in the Mail?

Max Read · 10/20/11 01:52AM

It's been bad year for awesome dude Edward Forchion. Not only did his request to change his name to "" get denied (thanks, Obama), but the packages of weed he sends to NJ Governor Chris Christie aren't getting through!

Jon Stewart Examines the Problem of Mitt Romney's Ever-Evolving Positions

Matt Cherette · 10/04/11 10:57PM

New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie's confirmation today that he would not seek the 2012 Republican presidential nomination was a relief to Mitt Romney, who stood to lose out most if Christie entered the race. But as Jon Stewart explained on tonight's Daily Show, Romney's history of switching positions on key issues stands in his way more than a fat guy from Jersey ever could: "Mitt Romney has a bit of a problem... to win the Republican nomination, he has to convince Republican voters he's not actually Mitt Romney."

David Letterman's Endless Supply of Chris Christie Fat Jokes

Matt Cherette · 09/28/11 02:30AM

In addition to being a possible Republican presidential candidate, New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie is really fat. So naturally, in recent days Christie's been the butt of jokes made by everyone from Chris Matthews to David Letterman, who on tonight's Late Show delivered a top 10 list of "ways the country would be different if Chris Christie were president." Here's a clip of the segment.

Jon Stewart to Republicans: 'Take a Long, Hard Look in the Mirror'

Matt Cherette · 09/26/11 11:16PM

Rick Perry's dismal performance at last week's GOP debate has many people doubting his ability to secure the Republican nomination for president in 2012. Republicans losing interest in Perry aren't shifting their support to Mitt Romney. In the last few days, there's been renewed interest in having New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie waddle into the race. We wondered today whether Christie could even survive a Republican primary, and as you'll see in this clip from tonight's Daily Show, Jon Stewart isn't too high on his chances either.