
R&B Singer Tases Pastor During Church Knife Fight

Jeff Neumann · 08/11/11 07:04AM

There are epic Taser incidents and then there's this: An R&B singer and former candidate for one of Alabama's U.S. Senate seats, Simone De Moore, up until last Sunday was the music director at New Welcome Baptist Church in St. Elmo, Alabama. He was fired by Reverend Riley and, according to Moore's mother, Agolia, "They owed him. He asked them for his money."

Pastor Coated Minors in Honey, Taped Them Washing It Off

Seth Abramovitch · 08/09/11 02:05AM

In 2007, a 26-year-old Texas youth pastor named Thomas Jason Fortenberry organized a reality show-style activity for four, hand-selected young parishioners. All were minors, and girls. The game, as he'd devised it, was inspired by Fear Factor and involved drizzling large amounts of honey on them, after which they were instructed to "take a shower and wash the honey" off. No red flags there!

Barack Obama Gives Wingnuts a New Pastor to Hate

Jim Newell · 04/29/11 02:30PM

Conservative pundits have been known to give President Obama crap for not going to church. It's part of why, if you're, say, Byron York, the president should only blame himself for the millions of morons who believe he's a Muslim. But when Obama does go to church, as he and his family did on Easter Sunday, he still ends up in a multi-pronged scandal. He didn't "do" Easter correctly.

Jesus People Have Infiltrated Your Frat House

Hamilton Nolan · 03/07/11 10:07AM

Have your fraternity brothers been acting a bit...odd lately? Have you noticed something a little...strange about your sorority sisters? We don't want to alarm, but we have to be honest: your bros may be involved in Jesus.

The Baby Preacher Got Subtitled and it Sounds Real

Christopher Han · 12/15/10 03:10PM

Originally, we had a Baby Preacher video. He did not make any sense, and it was perfectly amusing. Even more amusing? Putting subtitles on his gibberish, and actually being fooled into thinking he was saying those words. Watch inside.

You Should Have Listened to Satan

Hamilton Nolan · 11/11/10 03:50PM

"Don't visit," said a billboard posted by a road in Smithfield, North Carolina. The message was signed, "Satan." Come to find out it's just a dumb church website. That Satan really isn't as bad as they say. [News-Observer]

The Top 15 Weirdest Christian Videos

Christian Nightmares · 11/07/10 03:00PM

It's Sunday, did you go to church today? Chances are, that even if you did it wasn't as weird as any of these videos.

Baby Gets the Holy Spirit

Hamilton Nolan · 10/26/10 12:56PM

Here is an odd, elderly-looking (2,000 year-old?) baby in church, dancing as if possessed by the Jesus Spirit. Give that baby a cigarette and tape it to a wall, it'll be the biggest thing on the internet!

This is Your Mom Dancing in Church

Christopher Han · 10/18/10 02:27PM

Err... Is this part of the service? Isn't this the devil's music? Be thankful that the kid that appears into the bottom of the frame half-way through isn't you.

Brave Strippers Begin Protesting Church that Protests Them

Richard Lawson · 08/09/10 04:18PM

The ladies of the Foxhole, an Ohio gentleman's club, are so fed up with protesters from the nearby New Beginnings Ministries church picketing and writing down their patrons' license plate numbers, they've begun a bikini'd protest of their own. [Consumerist]

Florida Church To Host 'International Burn a Koran Day' On 9/11

Jeff Neumann · 07/25/10 11:57AM

A Florida church called the Dove World Outreach Center, in keeping with its pledge to "stand up for righteousness," is hosting "International Burn a Koran Day" on September 11. But only after the "No Homo Mayor" protest next month.