At Crystal Cathedral—the monstrous southern California megachurch that went bankrupt last year despite being home to the blessed "Hour of Power" broadcast—the problems just keep on coming, as if god was not even listening to their prayers.

The latest scandal: members of the choir were asked to sign some sort of pledge stating that they hate gay marriage (pictured). A "SEX COVENANT." Sex covenant scandal, in church! Some choir members thought that this SEX COVENANT was unnecessary, or even dumb, or even distasteful, which I take as a sign of progress in our society.

"In my opinion, I keep thinking that they've made as many mistakes as they can make and they've sank as low as they can sink - and behold, they sink lower," said Don Neuen, who directed the choir for 10 years but resigned in July after Programming Director Gretchen Schuller Penner said she was going to make sure each person was "spiritually and emotionally fit."

Bankrupt megachurches stand ready to welcome you and your ample disposable income with open arms, gay Californians. Go forth and tithe!

[LAT. The full sex covenant is here]