
The Democrats Are Boldly Fighting For a Bad, Stupid Bill

Alex Pareene · 06/22/16 03:20PM

After Democrats in the Senate staged a filibuster in support of gun control measures, their colleagues in the House have begun a “sit-in” aimed at embarrassing Republicans into allowing a vote on a measure that would restrict the ability of suspected terrorists to legally buy guns. The move is fantastic political theater. It’s also a tremendous waste of popular support and activist energy in support of a measure that isn’t just ineffective but also actively offensive.

Justice Dept Finds Years of Racial Discrimination By Ferguson PD: Report

Aleksander Chan · 03/02/15 08:35AM

According to the forthcoming report on the Justice Department's investigation into the Ferguson, Mo. police department for alleged civil rights violations, the department has demonstrated a history of racial profiling that has intensified race relations in the St. Louis suburb.

Ferguson and the Fight for Recognition

Jason Parham · 11/26/14 03:45PM

At a September townhall meeting in Harlem, Carl Dix, a longtime Uptown fixture and mouthpiece, stood before the microphone in the auditorium of the Schomburg Center and called for mass rebellion. "It's going to take a revolution," he said, "nothing less, to end this and the horrors of the system once and for all."

The Uncensored FBI Letter to MLK Found Hidden in the National Archives

Jason Parham · 11/11/14 06:44PM

In the fall of 1964, the New York Herald Tribune ran a story with the headline, "FBI Chief Calls Martin Luther King 'The Most Notorious Liar in Country.'" J. Edgar Hoover, then the director of the FBI, had found himself on the defense after King, perhaps the most prominent civil rights activist of the 1950s and 60s, accused the bureau of not enforcing civil rights law and using Jim Crow-era tactics to suppress blacks. Hoover's real reasoning for labeling King a "notorious liar," however, was based on information he and few others were privy to: the details of King's sex life.

Hamilton Nolan · 10/29/14 12:33PM

The ACLU has released data showing that between 2004-2012, a black person in Minneapolis was 11.5 times more likely to be arrested for marijuana and nine times more likely to be arrested for disorderly conduct than a white person.

Report: In New York, Justice for the Poor Is a Joke

Hamilton Nolan · 09/17/14 12:12PM

One nice thing about America is that even if you are poor, you cannot legally be railroaded for any old criminal accusation; you are guaranteed justice and fair representation. A new report details just how much of a farce that promise is.

How Many St. Louis-Area Cops Are Members of "Patriot" Groups?

Adam Weinstein · 08/26/14 11:10AM

Late last week, reporters discovered a video of racist anti-government rantings by a St. Louis County police officer working the streets of Ferguson. Media scrutiny quickly focused on the officer's incendiary language and policing methods, but few paused to scrutinize the group to whom he was addressing his comments.