
Anonymous Singles Out Member Who Doxed the Wrong Man as Killer "Cop"

Adam Weinstein · 08/20/14 11:00AM

As protest leaders in Ferguson, Missouri, contend with "outside agitators" they say have disrupted their peaceful demonstrations, the hackers in Anonymous have run into a similar problem: An "uncontrollable pest" whose reckless decision last week to accuse an innocent cop of killing Michael Brown embarrassed and marginalized the would-be activist group.

Here Is an Archived Live Stream of Cops and Protesters in Ferguson

Adam Weinstein · 08/13/14 09:58PM

Via KARG Argus Radio, this is a gripping, archived feed of what happened on the streets of Ferguson, Missouri, tonight in the wake of the police shooting of unarmed teen Michael Brown. In a few short minutes, police fired tear gas directly into yards and demanded that cameras be shut down and protesters disperse.

Anonymous Vows Action Over Shooting Death of Unarmed Teen

Adam Weinstein · 08/11/14 08:18AM

Anonymous, the hacktivist network, released a video message Sunday encouraging protests and threatening their own actions against the police who shot 18-year-old Michael Brown and left him for dead in the streets of Ferguson, Missouri.

Adam Weinstein · 08/07/14 02:59PM

How many times has voter-identification fraud really happened in the United States? As many as 31 times out of 1 billion ballots cast since 2000, one law professor's new research shows. The incidents may account for up to 234 ballots, or 0.0000234 percent of all the voting in America.

Time-Lapse GIF Proves The Gays Are Taking Over America

Adam Weinstein · 03/05/14 02:25PM

Remember 2004, when Karl Rove got a dingleberry re-elected president in part by mobilizing conservatives to vote down gay marriage in a bunch of states? Well, it's only taken a decade, but gay marriage is winning. And the pace is picking up.

Fraternity Gets Kicked Off Campus For Most Racist Dumbass Stunt Ever

Adam Weinstein · 02/24/14 04:51PM

Three "19-year-old white male freshmen from Georgia" at the University of Mississippi have been expelled from their fraternity, and the frat has been suspended from campus, after the trio reportedly hung a noose and Confederate-themed flag over the statue of a black civil rights icon.

Alabama Legislators Approve Bill Requiring School Prayer Every Morning

Adam Weinstein · 02/24/14 12:31PM

A key committee in Alabama's House of Representatives has pushed through a bill requiring teachers and students at all of the state's public schools to spend 15 minutes every morning in Christian prayer, even though a majority of legislators present say they opposed the measure.

Conservative "News" Site Battles Google for Its Right to Be Racist

Adam Weinstein · 02/18/14 03:21PM

If your religion is apeshit racist ring-wingnut douchery with a side of tabloid pablum, WorldNetDaily is your online Jerusalem, pilgrim. Be sure to bring it a big offering, though: Google is blocking ads from popping up on the site over its obsession with "black mobs."

Lawsuit: Clueless California Cops Beat Deaf Man For Doing Nothing

Adam Weinstein · 02/17/14 05:47PM

A Southern California man was beaten, Tasered and burned by local cops who thought he was threatening them and didn't realize he was gesturing that he was deaf, according to a discrimination lawsuit he's filed in federal court.

More States Are Looking for Old-School Ways to Kill Prisoners

Adam Weinstein · 01/23/14 03:37PM

For centuries, we Americans have sought easier ways to kill our convicts. Lethal injection had been the gold standard for sending toughs to oblivion. But amid a sudden spate of botched shots and poison shortages, what are we to do? Let's go back to guns, gas and zap juice!

Routine Traffic Stop Ends in Horrifying Rights Violations

Sarah Hedgecock · 11/05/13 01:54PM

A man in New Mexico is suing after a routine traffic stop ended in several gross civil-rights violations, including an anal cavity search for which he was charged by the hospital. The man was pulled over after rolling a stop sign, but ended up getting several invasive searches requested by the police on flimsy evidence. They never did find any drugs.

How Conservatives Pretend That Martin Luther King Was One of Them

Hamilton Nolan · 08/28/13 09:23AM

Remember Martin Luther King, Jr., the oppressed Southern black man, the freedom fighter, the peacenik, who called for radical progressive civil rights and economic justice legislation, and who was smeared as a Communist? Today, pundits would like to remind you that he was, of course, a "conservative."