
FBI Investigating Cops' Fatal Beating of Mentally Ill Man

Lauri Apple · 07/30/11 12:59PM

The feds are now investigating the death of Kelly Thomas, a homeless, schizophrenic man who died earlier this month after being severely beaten by Fullerton, California police officers. If agents determine that Thomas' civil rights were violated, they'll send their info to the Department of Justice, who can file charges.

Al Franken Calls Out Anti-Gay Marriage Activist at Hearing

Max Read · 07/20/11 08:47PM

Saturday Night Live comedian Al Franken is a senator now, for whatever reason, and while it won't ever not be weird to see him being all serious in those big fancy buildings, he makes a better senator than Kevin Nealon would've. Like today, when, during a Senate hearing on the Defense of Marriage Act, he (in the words of Think Progress) "destroy[ed]" a representative of conservative activist group "Focus on the Family"! He didn't literally "destroy" the guy, of course; he just patiently and condescendingly explained to him that he did a stupid thing. Which is the next best thing to actual destruction. [Think Progress]

Is Arkansas Town Now the Least Democratic in the USA?

Lauri Apple · 07/17/11 06:35PM

The city council of Gould, Arkansas just passed an ordinance that forbids "new organizations" from forming without their permission. This applies to any organization, from book groups to Justin Beiber Fan Club chapters—but especially applies to groups that like to talk local politics.

New York Clerk Resigns Over Gay Marriage

Max Read · 07/12/11 09:44PM

Laura Fotusky, clerk of rural Barker, N.Y., quit her post on Tuesday rather than grant marriage licenses to gay folks. She would probably had more fun staying and being really judge-y with the marrying gays, but, well, God hates gay marriage! (She's posted her resignation letter here, if you really care.) Gay couples in the region are better off driving the hour to Niagra Falls anyway and going the whole nine yards with the honeymoon suite and everything. In any event—Laura—really—we mean this—don't let the door hit you in the ass on the way out. [Politico; image, not of Barker, and not of Fotusky, via Shutterstock]

Woman Fired for Having 'Wrong' Hair Color?

Lauri Apple · 07/09/11 06:44PM

Sandra Rawline's had gray hair since she was in her 20s, because of genes 'n' things. For years, her employer didn't seem to mind. But when her company decided to move to fancier digs, Rawline's boss told her to dye her hair to look more "upscale."

Rhode Island Passes Civil Unions Bill

Max Read · 06/29/11 10:21PM

The gay dominos are falling! The Rhode Island State Senate passed a bill legalizing civil unions on Wednesday, sending the measure to Gov. Lincoln Chafee, who's expected to sign it. Next up: Man-quahog weddings (catered by Del's). [Providence Journal]

New York Passes Gay Marriage

Jim Newell · 06/24/11 09:34PM

The New York State Senate just passed a bill legalizing gay marriage, 33-29. It now heads to Gov. Andrew Cuomo's desk for his promised signature. The bystanders in Albany are going nuts. Go celebrate!

New York State Senate Votes on Gay Marriage

Jim Newell · 06/24/11 06:17PM

The New York State Senate will vote on same-sex marriage this evening. It's unclear what time the vote will take place, but it could happen any minute now. After they work through several other bills, at least. You can watch a livestream of the proceedings below. [Update: The bill has passed!]

Endless New York Gay Marriage Debate Getting Uglier

Jim Newell · 06/24/11 02:11PM

Some of us suckers have woken up each morning this week hoping to see the headline, "New York Senate Finally Does Something About This Friggin Gay Marriage Bill," only to see the same story about how state Republicans are still thinkin' about it. And guess what? Today is no different, except that senators are getting pissy.

Will This New York Same-Sex Marriage Vote Ever Happen?

Jim Newell · 06/23/11 02:53PM

It's been difficult to follow the developments this week in the fight for same-sex marriage in New York. Someone on Twitter says "EXCLUSIVE: VOTE HAPPENING TONIGHT," and then five minutes later, "UPDATE: NO VOTE EVER." So let's try to make some sense of what's happening.

New York Same-Sex Marriage Vote Not Expected Today

Jim Newell · 06/20/11 03:45PM

The big vote on legalizing same-sex marriage in New York could still come in the state senate today — the last scheduled day of the current legislative session — but reports are trickling in that it could be delayed until Wednesday or Thursday, during an extended session.

N.Y. Assembly Passes Gay Marriage Bill

Max Read · 06/15/11 08:26PM

The New York legislature's lower house passed a gay marriage bill 80-63 on Wednesday, the fourth time the State Assembly has done so. The bill must now pass the Senate, where it currently has 31 of 32 votes needed. [NY1]

Kool Aid Wants Hispanic People Drinking Nothing But Kool Aid

Hamilton Nolan · 05/27/11 10:25AM

For too long, Hispanic Americans have been forced to tolerate a world in which artificial food products were not advertised to them with satisfactory ferocity. No longer. You Spanish-speakin' people want some dang Kool Aid? We gotcher Kool Aid!