New York State Senate Votes on Gay Marriage

The New York State Senate will vote on same-sex marriage this evening. It's unclear what time the vote will take place, but it could happen any minute now. After they work through several other bills, at least. You can watch a livestream of the proceedings below. [Update: The bill has passed!]
While the bill is publicly still stuck on 31 votes — one shy of the needed majority to pass — we still don't know where the few remaining undecideds will land. While I'd warn everyone against paying too much attention to whispers, Mike Long, the head of the New York Conservative Party, predicts that the bill will pass, based on whatever secret conversations he's been having.
Expect the chamber, as always, to take its time.
Update 9:45pm: One of the last undecideds, Sen. Steve Saland tells the AP that "he will vote yes on gay marriage, apparently giving the measure the support it needs to become law." He would be the clinching 32nd vote, assuming there are no other last minute changes from yes to no.
10:05pm: Sen. Ruben Diaz Sr., the lone Democrat voting against the bill, spoke for a long time about how this bill is a danger to society, and then claimed that his rights were being taken away, when his time was up and he needed to stop talking.
10:20pm: Sen. Mark Grisaldi, another Republican undecided, just announced on the floor that he will vote yes.
10:30pm: Gay marriage passes, 33-29. Onto Gov. Cuomo's desk for the signature!