
Barack Obama rickrolls John McCain and the Republican National Convention

Nicholas Carlson · 09/12/08 02:00PM

With its joke-killing April Fool's prank, YouTube took all the fun out of rickrolling forever. But someone has successfully revived the gag, where you trick someone into clicking on a link to Rick Astley's '80s one-hit wonder, "Never Gonna Give You Up." YouTube users Hugh Atkin and Alastair Corrigall edited together excerpts from old Obama speeches to create the illusion that he's actually singing Astley's song to John McCain and the delegates at the Republican National Convention. Rickrolling has always been a dumb, easy prank. Atkin and Corrigall turned it into a smart one. Watch the clip:

Thank Footloose For Your Freedom

Hamilton Nolan · 09/12/08 11:36AM

What was hilarious dance flick Footloose really about? "It was about fighting against oppression," actress Lori Singer explained to a nodding Matt Lauer today. "Trying to stop us from dancing. Kevin, can you imagine? Trying to prevent us from reading books. All kinds of things." After the movie, Singer even got a call from a town that was actually trying to ban dancing! Wasilla, Alaska. Ha, no really it was a town in Texas: Crawford, home of GW Bush. Not really. That would've been fun though. Click to watch the original cast of Footloose reflect on their achievement in America's struggle for liberation.

New Obama ad calls McCain an old man who can't use a computer

Nicholas Carlson · 09/12/08 11:20AM

Hoping to stop us all from talking about the Palin-McCain ticket anymore, Barack Obama's campaign today released an ad attacking John McCain as an Old who admits he doesn't know how to use a computer or send an email. A campaign official told Politico the commercial is designed to "underscore that John McCain can’t bring about change when he is completely out of touch with the lives of regular Americans." Of course, all of us real 'mericans know computers are just for "glib, articulate, fancy, dancey, prancey" liberal elites.Click to view

Worst Of Sarah Palin's First Interview

Ryan Tate · 09/12/08 07:18AM

Apologies are in order to Charles Gibson, widely presumed to be too soft to credibly interview Sarah Palin. If anything, the ABC News anchor's first exchange with Palin, aired last night, is all the more embarrassing to Palin precisely because Gibson was hand-picked by her handlers. The Republican vice presidential nominee's awful performance is apparent enough from the transcript, which contains her horribly stilted answer to a question about Iran, invoking "nucular weapons... given to those hands of Ahmadinejad" and already compared to Miss South Carolina's famous thoughts on "the Iraq" at a teen beauty pageant. But things are even worse on video, as seen after the jump.

Scream, Angelina, Scream!

STV · 09/11/08 07:45PM

· Now playing: The new trailer for Changeling, your official 2008 vintage Angelina Jolie Oscar Bait™ [YouTube] · For every dollar Nicole Kidman made in 2007, her films made a dollar. You don't need a calculator to guess what that makes her. [Forbes] · This should make Terry Giiliam happy: Warner Bros. plans a January Dark Knight rerelease to coincide with Oscar nominations. [Reuters] · Would Rose McGowan make a better IRA car bomber or executioner? If this was 1971, according to her we might have found out by now. [BBC] · If Jon Favreau had his way, Iron Man 2 would be in 3-D. Whoa! Hold it there, big fella — has anyone consulted Justin Theroux about this? [Collider]

DeNiro And Pacino Reduced To Catchphrase Cliches On History-Making 'Today Show' Interview

Seth Abramovitch · 09/11/08 06:00PM

The Today Show broadcast the first interview in the history of the world to feature both increasingly indiscriminate American acting legends Robert DeNiro and Al Pacino. It was the sole promotional stop on the Righteous Kill "Yes, It's a Turd, But It's DeNiro and Pacino, So Cut Us Some Slack, Jack™" media tour. Talking to a seemingly terrified Brian Williams ("Don't give me that face, because now I think I'm going to be killed,") it was Pacino who defused the tension by offering his best half-assed Travis Bickle. As clichéd as it was, however, just hearing the familiar line come out of Pacino's lips still managed to shoot a faint chill up our spine—though DeNiro is to be commended in showing admirable restraint, and not leaning over to "HOO-ah!" back in his co-star's face. [Today Show]

'Go Kanye, Go Kanye, Go!': The Kanye Mutant Ninja Turtle Remix

Seth Abramovitch · 09/11/08 04:45PM

Having been struck by how much Kanye West looked like a fearsome Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle battling villainous paparazzi ninjutsus in his LAX arrest video—and then transported by a commenter via YouTube time machine back to our honey-sunlit childhoods, when Vanilla Ice dared to ask of the Caucasian hip-hop community, "Have you ever seen a turtle get dowwnnn?"—we were struck by inspiration. Moments later, Defamer video mixographer (with a minor in scratchology) Molly McAleer had composed a mixed-media masterwork, fusing the best of all pizza-loving, nunchuk-swirling worlds. Cowabunga, dudes!

'Fox & Friends' Mocks Bill O'Reilly

Pareene · 09/11/08 03:47PM

Ok. A couple things to note here. The Fox and Friends morning crew are actually stupider than the stupidest people currently participating in the national discourse, because they don't understand the basic tenets of Biblical Literalism or creationism (or they're just pretending not to). But more importantly: the guy who isn't Steve Doocy totally referenced Fox mascot Bill O'Reilly's famous meltdown, on Fox, and cracked everyone up. It's... weird. This show creeps us out, even when it is "funny."

New Dell infomercial reality show premieres on A&E

Nicholas Carlson · 09/11/08 03:00PM

"We Mean Business" is a new reality show that debuted on cable channel A&E over the weekend. Though "reality show" is somewhat of a misnomer. As the clip above makes clear, it's really just one long infomercial for its biggest sponsor, Dell. It stars former “Apprentice” winner Bill Rancic, who these days serve as celebrity non-chef Rachael Ray's "financial buddy"! Rancic is accompanied by a stereotypically flamboyant interior designer and a sexy-librarian-looking computer whiz. The implication: Dell is funding the fantasy that business problems can be fixed with glib advice from a self-appointed business expert, some new computers, and better-designed offices. If that were true, wouldn't we see more successful startups out of San Francisco?

Mutant Ninja Turtle Kanye West's Paparazzi Beatdown: The Video

Seth Abramovitch · 09/11/08 02:15PM

As fearsome and adorable as a Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle (his Gucci knapsack is his shell!), Kanye West showed little mercy today as he and a fellow attack-tortoise went about the business of destroying a variety of photographic equipment at the American Airlines check-in line at LAX. His reptilian vigilantism would ultimately get him arrested, but to us, he's just a hero on the half shell! PIZZZZZZZZA!!! [TMZ]

Steven Soderbergh Headed Back To Vegas For 'Oceans 14: The Liberace Project'

Seth Abramovitch · 09/11/08 12:04PM

In keeping with the current indie trend in which every 20th Century Gay of Note gets their own biopic (first came Capote, then Milk, and in the works are Taylor Hackford Tennessee Williams project, Ang Lee's Taking Woodstock, and James Franco channeling Alan Ginsberg in Howl), we can now add a little razmatazz to the mix, as Steven Soderbergh is developing a Liberace biography. From Variety:

Obama Pig Lipstick Smear: All Is Forgiven Now!

Hamilton Nolan · 09/11/08 10:42AM

Yesterday CBS had a new John McCain attack ad pulled from YouTube because it took footage of Katie Couric out of context. Hey, "out of context" is the theme of the ad! Elitists. Now the McCain campaign itself has apparently gotten embarrassed enough by the ad—which pointed out that elitist Indonesian celebrity candidate Barack Obama called hockey mom Sarah Palin a dirty pig—that it has removed it from McCain's website. "Today is not a day for partisanship, it's a day for remembrance," a McCain spokesman said by way of explanation. Here's a clip of average American Bill O'Reilly (who, in a total coincidence, recently scored a nice interview with his friend Barack) graciously taking the side of the black man, blaming the "pig" uproar on the media. "We are driving the pig train," says Bill. Indeed. Click to watch. [Mixed Media, video via Huffington Post]

Obama Laughs Off "Lipstick" Attacks On Letterman

Ryan Tate · 09/11/08 08:01AM

Key difference between Barack Obama and John McCain: Unlike his notoriously temperamental Republican opponent, Obama tends to keep his cool even in the most trying of circumstances. For communicating that message to voters, Obama's appearance on David Letterman last night was effective politics. The presidential nominee joked about the ginned-up scandal around his use of the phrase "lipstick on a pig," and that phrase's alleged ties to McCain running mate Sarah Palin. He even got in a clever wisecrack about being jealous of Palin's celebrity. The only snag is that Letterman's audience, at least compared to its competitors, tends toward the younger coastal "elites" who were already going to vote for Obama. Sigh. At least we'll always have the clip. Click the video icon to watch. [via Huffington Post]

Jason Calacanis has no idea how much vodka he drank last night

Jackson West · 09/10/08 09:00PM

The closing party for TechCrunch50 kicks off tonight, and our spy will be bringing us live updates as the evening unfolds. Hungover organizer Jason Calacanis, who got so sauced he couldn't remember what city he was in last night and showed up late this morning, was offered a bottle of Finnish vodka from a wantrepreneur, soliciting a bit of a reprimand from TechCrunch founder Michael Arrington — who also demanded that Calacanis delete his drunken postings to Twitter (Calacanis complied).

Jada Pinkett Can Now Add 'Lesbianism' To Resume Skills Section

Seth Abramovitch · 09/10/08 08:30PM

·If you thought a Jada-on-Eva love scene was the way to lure your other half to The Women, Diane English pretty much killed your plans. [Late Show]
· While we already know Julianna Margulies's vagina will be all the rage come spring, we'd also like to pass along the happy Fashion Week news that men will be wearing tutus, curtains up to their nipples, and Dockers cut for a four-year-old. [BWE]
· In honor of Raffaello Follieri is Going to Jail Day, we thought we'd include a link to the FBI's list of all the jewelry he bought Anne Hathaway with God's nest egg. [TSG]
· It's the hi-res poster for Lindsay Lohan faked-pregnancy movie, Labor Pains. [Lohan.4fans]
· Jessica Alba, as undoubtedly some have always wanted to see her before. [People]

'90210': Who's The Familiar Father Of Kelly Taylor's Love Child?

Mark Graham · 09/10/08 07:00PM

Despite being paced a bit too frenetically for our liking, last week's two-hour debut of the 90210 reboot managed to intrigue us enough to tune in for last night's episode (although it appears that 25% of those first week viewers didn't feel the same way). And while the new brood of West Beverly High School students still can't stop smiling, we couldn't help but find ourselves smiling a little bit during the episode's (admittedly shoehorned-in) plotlines revolving around Kelly Taylor. Suckers for nostalgia, rejoice! Last night, we finally got some details about her mystery four year old son, the product of a one night splash-off with someone who she "had a lot of history together [with] in high school" (but has since left her high and dry). Join us as we investigate the eight likeliest candidates for being the dude whose little swimmers got all up in Kelly Taylor's biznass.

Jamie Lee Curtis Goes Half-Retard During 'View' Vocabulary Lesson

Seth Abramovitch · 09/10/08 05:10PM

Jamie Lee Curtis popped by The View today; as Huffington Post readers are already aware from her regular entreaties on everything from the sorry state of home economics classes to the eroding of our basic social fabric via Padma Lakshmi-hosted reality shows, this is a woman in love with the English language. So much so, in fact, that Curtis has written a book called Big Words For Little People, which encourages children to break out of their limited vocabulary boxes, and start using the kinds of four- and five-syllable words that Sherri Shepherd refuses to believe exist at all, much less knows the definitions to. You know—words like "cacophony," "verisimilitude," and "contraceptive." Let's all put on our thinking caps and do a little learning, shall we? [The View]

Rachel Zoe, Stop Trying to Make 'I Die' Happen

Kyle Buchanan · 09/10/08 02:15PM

In the annals of Bravo catchphrases, there are those that hit ("Make it work!") and those that miss (like Jonathan Adler's sheepish "See you later, decorator" from Top Design). Still, an oft-repeated turn of phrase is the one accessory no Bravo star can be without, and so it goes for stylist Rachel Zoe, whose docu-series The Rachel Zoe Project premiered on the channel last night. Whether faced with a beautiful pair of shoes or the terrifying orange head of top American designer Michael Kors, Zoe has one stock response: "I die." With the help of Molly McAleer, we've assembled a rapid-fire montage of each "I die" uttered in the series premiere. Is it simply a self-fulfilling prophecy given the stylist's skeletal frame, or do its multiple intended uses presage the fashion world's version of "Aloha"? [Bravo]

CNET finds Natali Del Conte's cute-boy doppelganger

Paul Boutin · 09/10/08 02:00PM

Mark Licea was the substitute host for CNET's Loaded pop-tech show this week, while regular emcee Natali Del Conte took a vacation. If you've watched Del Conte at all, here's what's creepy: Licea has her mannerisms down pat. In response to viewer feedback, the pair produced this mock training film. But, Mark, the real trick to Being Natali is to deliver lines like "Verizon and AT&T launch mobile social networks for suckers" as if you're announcing good news.

CNBC's Jim Goldman is not "The Office's" Andy Bernard

Nicholas Carlson · 09/10/08 01:40PM

It's difficult to get an interview with Steve Jobs. When you finally get one, the temptation surely is to play nice in hopes that you'll get another. But did CNBC's Jim Goldman have to ask such sycophantic questions? After rattling off statistics straight from Apple PR, Goldman asks Jobs, "How surprising is it for you that Mac momentum continues to grow at this level at this time? I mean there's an enormous amount of longevity here." Goldman's slick business-suit looks and his suck-up tone immediately reminded me of one of Goldman's quasi-coworkers at NBC Universal — Dunder-Mifflin's Andy Bernard, played by Ed Helms in NBC's "The Office." Check out the "Best of Andy Bernard" clip below and see if you agree.