
Exclusive: Dr. Drew Gives Defamer The Lowdown On The Tom Cruise/Joseph Goebbels Controversy

Seth Abramovitch · 06/16/08 03:50PM

If you happened to miss the two dozen or so reminders that your humble, athletically-ungifted Defamer editor would be a featured guest on Dr. Drew Pinsky's radio show this past Friday, we've collected some of the highlights for your listening pleasure. (Before you judge our performance too harshly, you must consider for a moment how nervous we were to be in the presence of the man who taught us everything we know about the relative riskiness of the fringe sexual practices that defined much of our experimental late-20s.) Drew surprised us right off the bat by opening up the floor to our own questions. We took the bait and started grilling him about his recent feud with Tom Cruise and the first word from the set of Celebrity Rehab 2.

Spencer Pratt Wants $100k Just to Leave the House

Richard Lawson · 06/16/08 10:18AM

Breaking: Spencer Pratt is an asshole. The resident villain and couch-sitter on The Hills was on David Letterman's little show on Friday night, talking about his high-rollin', baller lifestyle. He said that he demands $100,000 for a one-night appearance at a nightclub. The audience laughed, Dave laughed. It was a funny joke. Except then Spencer was all "naw, dude, I'm serious." And Letterman's expression changed sadly and Spence looked even more like a bratty little kid, slouched in his chair, not getting the extremely loud and glaring joke of himself. Then Paul Shaffer made a funny! Clip is above. [From Jossip]

One More Thing: Who is Your 70s Crush?

ian spiegelman · 06/15/08 04:41PM

Yesterday's installment brought forth so much thrillingly lovely eye-candy that I'm sticking with the theme today. Only difference is that we'll be delving even further back into our collective crush unconsciousness. Crush-onciousness? Whatev. I'll start it off with my choice for most amazingly glorious 1970s heartbreaker.

Family Guy's Top Ten Newscasts

ian spiegelman · 06/15/08 02:00PM

The folks at Adult Swim have compiled another one of their handy little collections. This time, it's the news, as it exists in the twisted cartoon universe of Family Guy. Of course, they won't let me embed them, so you can watch them here. Meanwhile, perfect excuse to post a Family Guy clip of my own! After the jump.

One More Thing: Who is Your 80s Crush?

ian spiegelman · 06/14/08 06:09PM

Who made your heart and knees go all to jittery goo the quickest in the movies and TV shows of the wonderful 1980s? My personal fave has never-as far as I know-been filmed in the delightful leg-warmers of the period, so that field is wide open. And, yes, boy-crushes are welcome.

Um, Has Anyone Seen Abigail Breslin's iPod Touch?

Seth Abramovitch · 06/13/08 07:57PM

· Has anyone seen Abigail Breslin's iPod Touch? The fate of the dancing-around -in-front -of-the- mirror- to-David Cook future depends upon it! [Tonight Show]
· Mike Myers admitted he developed a "man-crush" on Speedo-rocking Justin Timberlake while shooting The Love Guru. We've had a lot of "man-crushes" too in our time, Mike, and we find the best way to handle them is to have "man-sex" with the object of your "man-desires." [Us Magazine]
· The only thing crazier than the fact that Prince just turned 50 is the fact that Dr. Phil scored an invitation to his birthday party. No, Prince. Just. No. [ET Online]
·Tony Romo says rumors Joe Simpson sits at the end of his bed offering subtle directing tips for making camera-friendly love to his daughter are totally "laughable.” [People]
· Remember when Juno was attacked by an Alien facesucker? Well she finally had the baby, and it's soooo cuuuuute!!! []

Hey Sarah Larson, Are Your Breasts Real Or Fake?

Mark Graham · 06/13/08 07:00PM

Undoubtedly, if there's one thing that's weighing heavily on the minds of the fair citizens of our great nation, it's whether or not George Clooney's ex paid a trip to the rack-enhancer. Perhaps even more important than that is the question of whether or not said surgery was the straw that broke the Clooney's back. And while we never got a chance to ask her to answer these riveting questions in person, naturally, one of TMZ's most upstanding cameramen did. As you have come to learn, moments of levity and brevity like this populate each week's installment of Dirt Sandwich. This week, Defamer's resident sandwich artist Molly McAleer held all the salmonella-tainted tomatoes from this sammy and instead crafted a mouthwatering meal made up of only the finest, freshest and locally grown entertainment tidbits. Did Katherine Heigl diss the Grey's Anatomy writers? Are Audrina and LC still fighting? Will Cindy Margolis ever marry again? Remember kids, knowing is half the battle. Enjoy!

One Six-Pack To Rule Them All

Mark Graham · 06/13/08 06:20PM

You may recall the evening about a month or so ago where Molly McAleer got schnockered on Two Buck Chuck while compiling your evening To Do's. Well, after spending the entire next day in bed with after nearly overdosing on tannins, she swore never to drink Trader Joe's vino for the budget-conscious ever again. So what's a girl to do who's looking to catch a (legal) buzz? Well, it's the weekend and, as we all know, weekends are for Michelob. So rather than put together your weekend To Do's sober, Molls decided to slam a sixer of Fergus Falls' finest. The results are predictably sloppy. Enjoy!

Mark Zuckerberg preps Steve Jobs impersonation for developers' conference

Nicholas Carlson · 06/13/08 02:40PM

Facebook will hold its second annual F8 developers' conference on Wednesday, July 23 in San Francisco. That means we'll watch Facebook founder Mark Zuckerberg take another shot at his reported goal of impersonating Steve Jobs's keynote addresses. Funny thing is, Jobs isn't actually a very stylish public speaker. Check out the end of the 60-second versions of his last two keynotes below. His speeches are stuffed with frilly adjectives. Jobs only does so well because his keynotes are full of highly anticipated announcements. Zuckerberg doesn't — can't — do grand reveals.

Publicity-Averse Ed Norton Reveals Previously Unknown Sense Of Humor In 'Hulk' Short

Mark Graham · 06/13/08 01:45PM

The battle this spring between hands-on artiste Ed Norton and the Marvel Studio brass over the relaunch of the Hulk franchise has proven to be one of the most acrimonious displays of "creative differences" that we have seen in some time. The notoriously "passionate" (read: difficult) actor has been accused of "posturing" over how the final cut of the movie he famously claimed to have re-written played out, which led to a brisk retort written by Norton and emailed to, of all places, the actor-friendly confines of Entertainment Weekly. And although accuracy-challenged scribe Roger Friedman reports that Ed Norton "slipped off to a desert island rather than do publicity for the movie he stars in and nominally wrote," the cantankerous diva appeared in a Hulk promotional parody skit that aired on last night's Jimmy Kimmel Show. And while Norton brought the funny, he didn't resist the urge to get in a potshot at action-averse auteur Ang Lee.

Dana Carvey Uses Career Hiatus To Add Another 700 Characters To His Repertoire

Seth Abramovitch · 06/12/08 09:05PM

· Dana Carvey. 100 voices. One ten minute Tonight Show interview. And none are the Church Lady. The mind reels. [Tonight Show]
· Now that's romance—Siegfried brought Roy a bouquet of tiger cubs to cheer him up! [AP]
· Ain't no party like a teenage boy/38-year-old-woman shower orgy 'cause a teenage boy/38-year-old-woman shower orgy don't stop! [TSG]
·That "office freakout" YouTube video was just viral marketing for Wanted. We should have figured that out when the guy throwing the computer monitors around paused to draw a tattoo on the sexy part of his co-worker's back. [Wired]
·"Dr. Drew meant no harm to Mr. Cruise and apologizes if his comments were hurtful," Pinsky's rep said in a statement. We'll get to the bottom of this when we talk to Dr. Drew on his radio show tomorrow at 12:40 p.m. PST—1260 on your AM dial! [People]

Despite Best Efforts Of Stacey Dash, 'Celebrity Circus' Lacking Spirit Of Circusness

Mark Graham · 06/12/08 07:40PM

While we never expected Celebrity Circus to be a magical panacea that would cure us from the premature onset of the summer television doldrums, it's fair to say that we here at Defamer HQ were all more than a little bit pumped to watch last night's premiere. After all, as proud Gen Xers, we have fond, kitsch-filled memories of watching Lynda Carter dodge knives and William "The Greatest American Hero" Katt rock the shit out of the Giant Wheel Of Death. So when perfect '80s-storm plundering Ben Silverman announced plans earlier this year that NBC would be airing the show, we marked and calendars and began dusting off our bean bags and hot air popcorn poppers in preparation for what we thought was going to be an awesome night of television. But much to our dismay, our dreams were shattered when we found out that Celebrity Circus wasn't a one-time event where everyone comes together to celebrate the spirit of, well, circusness. Rather, we were hoodwinked into watching yet another entry in the tiresome reality "competition" genre, filled with yet another panel of judges with distracting accents and/or speech impediments. What a drag.

Did Apple forget to clear Disney rights for music during WWDC keynote?

Jackson West · 06/12/08 06:40PM

When CEO Steve Jobs presented the list of countries where the iPhone will be available in the next few months near the close of Tuesday's keynote address at Apple Worldwide Developers Conference, the presentation cued music of "It's a Small World After All" — a song long copyrighted by Disney, on which Jobs sits on the board. However, someone at Disney legal must have asked Apple to excise the music from the copy of the video that's archived online. With the original grabbed from Mahalo Daily's one minute version of the address, we've cut together the two versions for comparison. That saddest part? Now you can't hear the jolly chortle of Apple board member Al Gore!

The Policy Of Truth

Mark Graham · 06/12/08 06:00PM

So, yeah, all of you hoping to catch a glimpse of the famed Molly McAleer sex tape last night got ShaniceRolled. Hope you weren't too upset; after all, it had to be done. However, those of you who missed seeing Molly last night will be glad to know that she is back tonight. And not only is she back, she is pissed. You see, in the midst of putting together the To Do's for Defamer on a nightly basis, somehow she missed out on the news that Barack Obama will be the Democratic nominee for this November's presidential election. And while she doesn't have anything against Barack Obama as either a person or a candidate, she does have some strong feelings about who would've made a better (and more electable) nominee. So join us, won't you, as McAleer goes McLaughlin in tonight's clip.

Google's Eric Schmidt models CEO diplomacy

Jackson West · 06/12/08 05:00PM

With the cool confidence inspired by sitting more than a little above the fray in the whole Microsoft-Yahoo fracas, Eric Schmidt sat down on Tuesday for a taped interview with Fox Business's Liz Claman, resulting in fifteen minutes of the smooth talker on video. Schmidt has been working a press tour leading up to the cessation of talks between Microsoft and Yahoo. At the beginning of this clip, he praises Microsoft's leadership and then suggests that they could be "hostile" with their market power. By the end, he's downplaying any presumption of antitrust litigation arising in the event of any partnership between Google and Yahoo, citing how competitive the space is. It's almost convincing.

Were Salma Hayek And Penelope Cruz High As Kites While Filming D.O.A. Comedy Caper?

Molly Friedman · 06/12/08 04:35PM

UPDATE (6/14/08 @ 7:20am): Both Ms Hayek and Ms Cruz have released statements denying any connection to Mr Villarreal Barragán, his associated groups or any knowledge of who the house belonged to. In a statement, agents for the actresses said that "the production of Bandidas arranged the accomodation for all the actores, which is common practice in the film industry". The statement also said that "Penélope Cruz chose a hotel but Salma Hayek prefered a house because she was travelling with her pet dogs. Hayek never knew who owned the house or had any contact with its owners or with anything associated with the rented place, which was paid for by the production company."

Nigel Lythgoe's Brash Sassisms Shock A Samba-Loving America

Seth Abramovitch · 06/12/08 02:30PM

After several weeks of sifting through the country's aspiring hoofers—eliminating, where necessary, any contestant they deemed perhaps better suited to Kevin Bacon stand-in work than a televised dance competition—So You Think You Can Dance finally paraded its top 20 before America last night for an unforgettable evening of high-kicking, rack-shaking, and hair-flinging. And that was just the boys! While the proceedings don't quite have the premium patina of sister-competition American Idol, both shows share something special in executive producer Nigel Lythgoe—who also serves here in the capacity of exacting judge, compassionate mentor, and sass-friendly father figure. In the above montage by Molly McAleer, we've compiled Lythgoe's greatest* opening night moments—which, in a promising sign for the season, were literally all of them. Oh, Naaaahjel, Nahhhjel—we just love that Southern attitude, too! And to think—thanks to SYTYCD, there's a chance hip-hop contestant Twitch might be allowed to come off the streets and actually enter a Broadway theater! Now that's change we can believe in.

The Wire's David Simon To Further Depress Us With New Iraq War Series

Richard Lawson · 06/12/08 12:31PM

In one month's time, David Simon will (hopefully) dazzle and depress us all over again. The mastermind behind The Wire, HBO's stunning and somber study of urban decay, has created a seven-part miniseries called Generation Kill, once again for HBO. The series, based on the Evan Wright book, depicts a group of Marines during the first forty days of the current clusterfuck debacle in Iraq. While we've not seen a screener or anything, we can certainly hope that Simon's ultra-realistic, carefully worded style will make the series as icky, uncomfortable, and thoroughly fascinating as The Wire. Above find a trailer for the series, below a brief clip of cast and crew talking about the project.