
The Donut Of Truth

Seth Abramovitch · 06/11/08 08:31PM

· Thanks to you, The Moment of Truth, no one will ever commit bigoted acts of fatism ever again! You're not the most evil TV show in history—you're bringing humankind closer together! [TMOT]
· Edward Norton prefers to let The Incredible Hulk do the junket-blabbing for itself. So tell us, Incredible Hulk—how are you similar/different to your big screen alter ego? "ARAHRRHHHHGHH SMAAAAAAAASH GRAAAAAAAAH!!!!" Really? That's hilarious! [NY Daily News]
· Something about conspiracy-junkie Mary Hart's unwillingness to break ranks with her ET underlings in the wake of ChosenTwoGate really gives us a whole new appreciation for the preternaturally perky showbiz news icon. [LAT]
· Kaufman Astoria Studios runs full steam ahead with their plan to obliterate Hollywood and establish Queens as the entertainment capital of the world. []
· Sumner Redstone is a happily married mummified-Viacom-overlord, he'll have you know, regardless of who you spotted him catching up with at Ruth's Chris Steak House. [NY Post]

Jay Leno Is Totally Gay For Jessica Biel

Molly Friedman · 06/11/08 07:00PM

Jay Leno is going through a sexual identity crisis. After getting in trouble with the gays for Ryan Phillippe GayFaceGate, it seems as though all the apologies and gay wedding attendances have him worried his flyover state fan base may have lost faith in his man’s man, Harley-riding rep. And in an effort to clean up that potential mess, he’s resorted to eagerly provoking Justin Timberlake into pervy chatter about the improvisational humor-challenged song and dance boy’s girlfriend Jessica Biel. To prove his macho prowess, he leaps suggestively into a tale about meeting Biel on a Jaywalk when she was just 15 or 16, and insists (twice, in fact) that all sorts of very heterosexual thoughts went flooding through his head. As uncomfortable as this clip makes us, Timberlake finds the entire ordeal a (quite literal) thigh-slapper. The pair’s respective desperate attempts at humor and machismo, after the jump.

Molly McAleer In Sex Tape Shocker

Mark Graham · 06/11/08 06:40PM

Although we are loathe to admit it, we kinda knew that this moment was coming. Ever since Molls started doing the nightly To Do's here, a lot of people have come out of the woodwork with scandalous tales of what she is REALLY like after hours. And, well, as much as it pains us, we think it's probably best to broadcast the Molly McAleer sex tape here on Defamer before it inevitably ends up in Pat O'Brien's grubby paws. While most of you savvy internet surfers probably saw it earlier today, we figured we'd at least turn Molly's shame into a few extra page views. After all the embarrassment it's caused, it's the least she can do for us. Enjoy ... or learn ... or something.

America Needs Pranks

Nick Douglas · 06/11/08 02:12PM

Improv Everywhere just started a new blog, Urban Pranks, to document the many public stunts the group has inspired. The New York group famous for showing up at Best Buy in blue polos and freezing Grand Central has offshoots across the country that are doing things like a protest against protesting, a dinner party at Ikea, and a button in a park that says "Do Not Push" (when it was pushed, planted agents dance to "Everybody Dance Now" &mash; clip below). The blog does a great job quickly explaining each prank and then showing the money shot. And it's a sign of a much-needed rise in public silliness, which is just what young media types need.

Michael Eisner's $500,000 "Foreign Body" project doesn't even qualify as a bomb

Jackson West · 06/11/08 02:00PM

"My interest is getting in there before they explode," Vuguru svengali Michael Eisner told a crowd at Digital Content Newfront last week, regarding his efforts in producing Web video. And based on the numbers for his production company's project Foreign Body, he's certainly achieved that. The show's audience peaked at 43,000, even after winning a coveted feature slot on YouTube. Breaking a feature-length story into scenes no longer than two minutes and putting advertising at both ends of those clips isn't exactly the way audiences want to watch advertorials for airport-bookstore novels. With all those Indian hotties in the cast, Eisner should probably take a tip from LisaNova and increase the cleavage in the show's thumbnails. After the jump, check out the first episode — so mysterious, it makes absolutely no sense.

The Sisterhood of the Chronic Oversharers

Richard Lawson · 06/11/08 10:15AM

When she sees a fellow media punching bag in distress, Julia Allison will rush to defend them. The dating columnist and fake Star magazine editor, so criticized by nasty blog commenters for being talentless and and fame-whoring, was on the E! show Chelsea Lately last night, discussing, among other things, Tori Spelling. Spelling, an "actress" who is only "famous" because of some random bits of luck (daddy was a zillionaire TV producer), is often under attack, also from nasty blog commenters, for her lack of talent, her fame-grubbing, and, yes, her looks. Chelsea Lately host Chelsea Handler and another panel guest piled on in typical fashion, but Julia, seeing her quasi-celebrity sister in trouble, tried to rescue poor Tori by saying something about how she liked her recent book, sTORItelling. Julia said she read it on the plane on the way to LA and found it quite funny. (Though, um, update! Does that mean Julia Allison can read in her sleep??) She also defended, sort of, Spelling's looks by sputtering "she's apparently really cute in person!" Clip is above.

Jay Leno Fully Supports Hairy British Comedian Russell Brand's Right To Marry

Seth Abramovitch · 06/10/08 08:35PM

· Russell Brand contemplating the meaning of death on The Tonight Show is kind of like watching a debate about the existence of God between a Chinese Theater Johnny Depp impersonator and a St. Bernard. [Tonight Show]
· Judge Larry "Phil Spector Trial" Fidler flatly denies claims made at the end of Roman Polanski: Wanted and Desired that he insisted the director's 1997 rape re-trial be televised. And for some light background reading material, The Smoking Gun brings us the original 1977 trial testimony. [Slate, TSG]
·The LAT's Sunday magazine staff are let go, with the paper's business department taking over operations—beginning with their ambitious relaunch issue, "Las Vegas: A Fabulous Place to Spend Some Weekend Dollars!!!" []
·We don't know about you, but there's been many a night when we could have used some tough-loving straight-talk from Emancipatia, the anti-drunk-dialing mammy thimble. Thank you for being a friend, Auntie Mance! (Scroll down.) []

Kate Hudson Teaches 'Boobies Obsessed' Son Why Everyone's Always 'Rubbing Up Against Each Other'

Molly Friedman · 06/10/08 07:30PM

After seeing Kate Hudson's appearance on Conan last night, we have a feeling that her surfer-haired son Ryder is destined to be quite the Hot Perv On Campus. Apparently that whole birds and bees discussion that every parent dreads has not only started far earlier at Casa Hudson than most households, but little Ryder is already pursuing an advanced degree in female anatomy by studying his mom's breasts. And after hearing what life was like for Kate as a kid living with kooky king and queen of long-term unmarried celebs Goldie Hawn and Kurt Russell, we’re not surprised that the 9-year old Ryder is already “obsessed” with things like boobies and the all-important, very profound question of why everyone “rubs up against each other.” The premature nympho chatter around Kate’s house makes perfect sense — Goldie and Kurt were those kinds of parents. Hear for yourself after the jump.

I Just Wanna Watch 'Trading Spaces'

Mark Graham · 06/10/08 07:10PM

Remember when everyone with cable TV and a pulse was watching Trading Spaces? There wasn't a red-blooded American who didn't delight in watching Paige Davis, Ty Pennington, Vern Yip, Hildi Santo-Thomas and Frank Bielic counsel middle Americans on how best to redecorate their living rooms, kitchens and basements. Well, that glory run of basic cable besteverness all fell to shit when Paige Davis left the show (or was she fired?) back in 2005. And what exactly does that prologue have to do with the price of tea in China, you ask? Well, in this evening's installment of Defamer To Do's, Molls introduces us to her "brother", Zach, who still counts himself as a big fan of the show. Stick around to see and hear his thoughts on the pride of TLC; you won't want to miss this.

Joy Behar Will Destroy You, Barbara Walters. Is That Clear?

Seth Abramovitch · 06/10/08 06:00PM

A visit from Uncle Regis is always a happy occasion for the ladies of The View, but things turned uncharacteristically ugly when, in a discussion about their slim Daytime Emmy chances, Barbara Walters suggested that since "we're just so happy, and since we have"—gesturing to Whoopi Goldberg—"this one," their outlook was sunnier, presumably from the days when the presence of Star Jones and Rosie O'Donnell turned off voters. Veteran panelist Joy Behar didn't quite read between those lines, responding, "I'll turn on you Barbara! I'll turn on you. She has to be kidding. I'll trip you. What—Whoopi's here so now we're gonna win?!" After some frantic earpiece pleading from the Viewmaster, things eventually returned to normal; but staying true to her word, Behar later extended one stiffened leg as Walters wandered into the studio kitchen for her post-taping cup of tea, sending the 78-year-old broadcast legend flying face first into a countertop and Splenda packets flying, and punctuating this premeditated act of brutality with the abrupt, five-word kiss-off, "There's your Emmy chances, bitch." [The View]

If You've Ever Wanted To See Shia LaBeouf Get Slapped, It's Your Lucky Day

Molly Friedman · 06/10/08 05:20PM

Until today, we'd tried our best to give Mutt Williams, aka Shia LaBeouf, the benefit of the doubt. Yes, he's kind of annoying and bordering on overexposure, but we thought there were at least two good reasons why he acts the way he acts. Not only did he used to be a hot-dog selling carnie, but his vagabond dad was fond of attempting to murder him during heroin-induced fits. Taking this into consideration, we thought it would be the right thing to do to cut the young man some slack. But after watching this video clip of Shia and witnessing what happens after he does a few too many tequila shots, we're left wondering if all the sob stories about being fed marijuana at age 11 can convince us to forgive this particular display of Frat Boy antics. Is our beloved Shia really just a borderline homophobic kid who can't shake his Echo Park upbringing no matter how many glossy magazine spreads he appears in? Judge for yourself after the jump.

Twitter's real problem: explaining itself to clueless business reporters

Nicholas Carlson · 06/10/08 05:00PM

You know Twitter cofounder Biz Stone didn't do a very good job explaining what he's created to Fox Business reporter Liz Claman when, after Stone was finished Claman asked, "So, it just pops up on your cell phone — does it make a sound when it pops up?" That fine moment, about 2 minutes and 40 seconds in, and whole lot of describing Twitter messages as "poetry," in the full interview, embedded below.

'Office Berserker' Is Unfortunately Not Real

Hamilton Nolan · 06/10/08 03:30PM

So that "Office Berserker" video we linked to last week—security camera footage purportedly showing a man going crazy at work and destroying his entire office, along with many of his coworkers—has been confirmed as another freaking viral marketing video (as suspected). This time the prankster was a Russian director trying to build buzz for a film called Wanted. Damn you, Timur Bekmambetov! It's getting to where you just can't trust online footage of unprovoked violence any more. If you care to, watch the clip again with a more jaundiced eye, after the jump.

'Bachelorette' Contestants Still Not Entirely Sure What DeAnna Pappas's Oscar-Worthy Tantrum Was All About

Seth Abramovitch · 06/10/08 01:20PM

On last night's The Bachelorette, a visibly frazzled DeAnna Pappas—clearly crumbling beneath the pressures of having just five short weeks to adequately assess the high-grade man-cattle brought in for her personal studding services—had nothing short of a completely fake breakdown. We're still not entirely sure what brought it on—something about the discouragement of chef contestant Robert, doomed from the start for a demonstrated reluctance to taking off his shirt.

New Video Hints Mike Myers Less Than Two Weeks From Claiming America's Anti-Comedy Crown

STV · 06/10/08 01:00PM

Psst! Reader! Yes, you — really quick, do us a favor: Watch the accompanying video to this item and tell us if you saw what we just saw. Granted, we (and pretty much everybody, as far as we know) have yet to view The Love Guru, so perhaps the black hole of comprehension herein is purely contextual. Or maybe it really is as simple as Mike Myers giving back another few years' worth of cultural goodwill as the title character, joining Jessica Alba and a hookah-hitting Verne Troyer in a sitar-heavy, almost scandalously unfunny take on Steve Miller's stoner anthem, "The Joker." Moreover, help us with another thing: Combined with the compounded misfires at the MTV Movie Awards, is Myers slyly usurping the likes of Neil Hamburger as anti-comedy's most powerful talent? Because we could get behind this, if so — except for the Indian guy playing banjo. There is absolutely no excusing Indian banjo players. [Paramount]

Fox Business asks: Will Facebook buy LinkedIn?

Nicholas Carlson · 06/10/08 12:40PM

Want to see LinkedIn CEO Dan Nye flinch? Do what Fox Business correspondent Liz Claman did this morning and ask Nye if rival social network startup Facebook has expressed interest in acquiring the company. "It just seems like it would be a perfect for say, a Facebook, to join up, to link up with you guys," Claman advises Nye. Suddenly a happy little conversation on camera turned awkward. Did he flinch because Facebook had expressed interest? Or because, unlike Claman, he knew Facebook wasn't even sniffing around — an admission that would call into question LinkedIn's value right when Nye's gunning to take the company public? That moment, above, and the full interview — replete with Nye's nonanswers about acquisitions and IPOs — below.

Justin Timberlake's Angry Hack Interview

Ryan Tate · 06/09/08 09:25PM

Although this press-junket interview between Justin Timberlake and "Chuck the Movie Guy" is less than three minutes long, one gets the sense at several distinct points that Timberlake is about to either storm out or punch "Chuck" in the throat. There's an uncomfortable confrontation about a prior interview, an uncomfortable retort from Timberlake involving his Speedo, uncomfortable sarcasm — notice a theme? Videogum wonders whether Timberlake or "Chuck" is the bigger jerk here, but that's kind of missing the point. You really need two people, each acting aggressively awful toward the other, to produce a moment so beautifully bitchy. After the jump, video of this excellent team effort in awkward hostility.

Carnie Wilson's War Unlikely To Overthrow Any Soviet Regimes

Seth Abramovitch · 06/09/08 08:35PM

· Tyra dubs Carnie Wilson's tabloid-documented weight battles "Carnie Wilson's War," mainly because every paparazzi shot of her eating an ice cream cone also features Tom Hanks engaging in witty repartee from behind a highball glass. [Tyra Show]
· The Golden Girls (minus Estelle Getty) reunited last night for the TV Land Awards. You know which episode was on the other week that we had totally forgotten about? The one where Rose thinks she's HIV positive for 72 hours, and Sophia draws an "R" on her coffee mugs! [Mollygood]
· What Hollywood's Next A-list feature would be complete without James McAvoy's overexposed turtle-face? []
·We've seen some sexist attacks on Sex and the City, but this clucking SATC slumber party takes the cake. That said, we watched it for way longer than was really necessary. [YTMND]
· The LAT visits the set of Bitch Slap, a C-movie production proudly keeping the Russ Meyer aesthetic alive. [Hollywood Backlot]
·2 Girls, 1 Cup, and 1 Birthday Cake that will probably yield a record amount of leftovers. (Caution: Contains convincing icing-simulated poo.) [flickr via B3TA]